GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Josea's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Josea received a $492 initial payment.
"When I received my transfer, I spent it to buy a dairy cow worth KES 25000 as an investment that I can rely on in the future. Also, it will be a permanent reminder of GiveDirectly good works in my life and that in our village. In addition, I spent KES 15000 to buy new clothes, food, and other household necessities that would last us for some time. I still have KES 14000 that I am planning to extend our bedroom from our main house. I will use this money to acquire the necessary building materials and I am so grateful to GiveDirectly for making this possible."
Satta's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Satta enrolled.
""When I receive this money, I plan to return to the hospital to complete my treatment. I was diagnosed with 'liver problem' March of this year at Amadiah hospital in Tubmanburg. I began to receive treatment immediately. However, I could not complete the treatment due lack of finance. We paid L$17,000 ($121.42) on first visit. I am required to make another payment before the second phase of the treatment. I suppose to return to the hospital by September 2021 for further examinations and additional pills. However, because I don't have the needed finance to make the second payment, I have not returned since September. Therefore, when I receive this money, it'll be spent to regain my health.""
Maima's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Maima enrolled.
""The most difficult challenge I am currently faced with is financial challenge. My husband, as a polygamist with three wives, is unemployed. Our only means of earning money is through farming (subsistence) or burning charcoal. When he makes the farm or burn the charcoal, produce are share amongst his three wives. This leaves everyone with very little to sustain themselves. As a result, I face serious challenge to get the needed finance to sustain myself.""
Jebbeh's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Jebbeh enrolled.
"The challenges I'm facing now is my daughter continuous sickness because she was my everything but for the last ten years since she fell sick, I've had to struggle for food and as well her medical bills. I have spend every little cent I've got on her sickness but yet she can't get well and it brings sadness to me everyday. I have to take care of my family including her children, which is not a simple thing considering my age now."
Victor's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Victor enrolled.
"I will invest in business if I receive the cash transfer from Givedirectly. I was operating a shop before but, since my wife passed away in 2016, all of the expensive surrounding her sickness and her death made my business to collapse. Prior to the death of my wife, I was able to maintain the welfare of the family to some levels. Notwithstanding, to regain control of my family's welfare, it would be a payable idea to invest the transfer in to business for the sustainability of my family's welfare."
Taiwel's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Taiwel enrolled.
"One major challenge that I am currently facing and will still face is the issue of paying my children's school fees. Every year, when school is about to reopen, I worry a lot. Because of this, I will have to do hard labor contracts to get money to keep my children in school. My children's education mean a lot to me and this is the main challenge I face now - paying their school fees."
Victor's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Victor enrolled.
"I plan to build a house and use the balance to start a business. I live in my father's house now and fortunately, I have started making my own family but unfortunately; I don't have my own place. I don't want people to mock me after GiveDirectly's program. The house I will build can be shown as an evidence of what I did with the transfer I received from GiveDirectly. Another thing I will do with the transfer is to start a business and save money so that I can be competent enough to send my daughter to school when the time reaches. Now that my daughter is a baby, I need to really start planning her future and save more money to send her to school."
Kluna's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kluna enrolled.
"My challenge now is paying the school fees for my grandson. Looking at the age of me and husband, the kind of work we do daily to get money is a very hard work. We go through hard labor of burning coal and making farm to get money and the proceeds from the sale goes towards feeding us and sending the child to school, which is not enough for the kind of expenses we have."
Eric's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Eric enrolled.
"The major challenge that I am facing now is lack of money. I am working job because of my condition, I am physically challenge. I have to do farming just. . earned living. I will really appreciate any help from anywhere to enable me actualize my dream reconditioning my current room and built a 2 bed room house for me."
Gbelley's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Gbelley enrolled.
"When I receive the cash transfer from Givedirectly, I will use some of the money to firstly buy a new mattress for my ageing and sick mother because she doesn't have a better mattress, and then I will use the balance to the business and use the profit to reconditioned or renovate the house. Although I make farm to cater me and my mother, but the money I earned from the farm is what I spend on food for us. I've always planned on buying mattress for my mother but because of lack of money I've not been able to actualize it. So receiving this money will be a dream come true."