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Newsfeed > Maima's Profile
Maima's family
Subsistence farming
Liberia Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
"When I receive this money, I will build a house for my family. My husband is a polygamist with three wives. I currently live in a family house with my two 'mates'. Whenever my grandchildren or other family members visit my home, I experience difficulty with accommodation. This is because I have only one room in the house. The room is very small. Additionally, living in the same house with a 'mate' has a high cost. I need to own a house so that whenever my grandchildren visit me, they'll have a place to rest. So when I receive this money, my primary plan is to build my own house."
What is the happiest part of your day?
"To admit, the coming of GD to our town to help us makes me very happy. Things have been extremely difficult for us. We do not have any established means of earning money. The only means is through farming or burning charcoal which can barely provide enough income to get our necessities. The Covid-19 situation in the country has made life even harder. My grandaughter did not enroll this academic year due to lack of finance. So seeing that GD have come to our town to register us and knowing exactly what GD did for our neighbors in Teh Town, I am very happy that we are going to receive this financial assistance from GD."
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
"The most difficult challenge I am currently faced with is financial challenge. My husband, as a polygamist with three wives, is unemployed. Our only means of earning money is through farming (subsistence) or burning charcoal. When he makes the farm or burn the charcoal, produce are share amongst his three wives. This leaves everyone with very little to sustain themselves. As a result, I face serious challenge to get the needed finance to sustain myself."