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Newsfeed > Kluna's Profile
Kluna's family
Subsistence farming
Liberia Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I plan to equip my room, improve my kitchen and send my grandchild to school. In my room, I don't have even a mattress to sleep on. So when I receive this transfer, I will equip my room with all of the house materials like mattress, beddings and other things that will make my place very decent. With the transfer, I will also improve my kitchen especially by reroofing it with zinc. The kitchen don't have zinc on the roof and as a result, it leaks when rain falls. Lastly, I will invest in my grandson by sending him to school. He is the only one here with us now and we will want him to go to school and join his other brothers in Monrovia with their mother.
What is the happiest part of your day?
What brought me joy and happiness was when three of my grandchild passed in the school. This made their parents to take them to Monrovia to attend school because they dont have their calss here any longer. Though I was happy that they were promoted but their burden is no longer on my head. It has also helped to lessen my financial problems because when they were all here, I used to spend more.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My challenge now is paying the school fees for my grandson. Looking at the age of me and husband, the kind of work we do daily to get money is a very hard work. We go through hard labor of burning coal and making farm to get money and the proceeds from the sale goes towards feeding us and sending the child to school, which is not enough for the kind of expenses we have.