GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Regina's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Regina enrolled.
"I have been struggling building my house until the stage I have reached now and it needs 44,000 KES to be completed. I want to live comfortably with my 2 children in a good house! That's why I have been struggling up to this level. Receiving this money means I will complete building my house, have food security for my family by buying food stock and start a business inside my house of selling retail food items like maize flour, sugar,rice, and other domestic products. Our compound is big with many houses and the shops we buy domestic products are very far and I believe if I start this business here at home, I will make more profits because nobody will accept to travel for a long distance to the shops while I have all the items here at the compound."
Grace's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Grace received a $492 initial payment.
"I spent most of my transfer in replenishing the stock of my small kiosk business because I have been running it for a long time and it was not making much income to the point that it could not even sustain itself. I was almost closing it down because most of the commodities people usually ask for were not there, therefore, I took KES30000 and bought a substantial stock to keep my business up and running as well as not to disappoint my regular customers with the items that are not in stock. I am, however, still monitoring the current state of drought and famine, and when it gets better and rains then I will get a few goats that will be part of the investments that I want to have because they will multiply and increase in numbers. I am keeping aside the remaining part of my transfer for that."
Patuma's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Patuma enrolled.
"Am happy to be enrolled in the project. Receiving this money will help eradicate some of the problems I have been facing. Firstly, the trees I used to make the roof of my house are not in good condition. It is also made of unbaked bricks which we plastered with sand and it's thatched with grass. My dream has been to build a house with baked bricks with a roof made of iron sheets. This money will help me fulfil that dream. I will buy baked bricks, iron sheets and cement to build a new house. On top of that I don't have enough beddings and I sleep on a bed without a matress. So I will buy a matress and more beddings so that I can start sleeping comfortably."
Fatima's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Fatima enrolled.
"The main challenge that I am currently facing is luck of financing. Vivid 19 pendamic drained my business capital and I am failing to build it back"
Sharon's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Sharon enrolled.
"Receiving this money means I will eventually own a piece of land. I separated with my husband 5 years ago due to some family differences and since then I have not gone back. I have been living in my parents land from the time I came and which is very small to accomodate a house for my family of 6 and at the same time do farming. My children desire to have a place to call home, this means buying a 1/8 acre of land and building it. I plan on spending KES 50,000 in purchasing land and another KES 30,000 in building a two-roomed house and a kitchen. This will greatly change my life and that of my children. There will be enough land to plant maize for home consumption and also space for my children to freely play."
Bridget's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Bridget enrolled.
"This money means great progress to me because now i will be able to buy better food and a good sleeping place for me and my family. On top of those, we might also use this money to find a better house."
Chepkoech's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Chepkoech received a $492 initial payment.
"I work on a white man's farm as a casual laborer and when I received a message on my phone, I did not bother checking it since I was busy with work. I later checked its contents when I was on a lunch break and I became so happy on seeing that I had received the promised money. This money gave me hope that I would finally be able to clear this year's school fees for my son and he would be able to sit for his examinations."
Paul's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Paul received a $492 initial payment.
"I can vividly recall very well that it was a few minutes past 9 am and I was on my way to the canteen to purchase some items when I received the message. I became so happy upon reading its contents and I rushed back home to share the news with my spouse and children. I will forever be grateful to GiveDirectly because finally, I was able to acquire a dairy cow like some of the people in my village."
Naomi's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Naomi received a $492 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I have purchased a heifer. I used to buy milk and this was so costly for me since I do not have a continuous source of income. I depend on casual jobs and small scale farming. The amount of money that I get through this is so small and it's only for household basic needs and school fees for my children. I had always wished to own a dairy cow but it was not possible. My children would go without milk whenever I had no money. This was so demoralizing and stressful. Currently I am so happy because I have a heifer. I know when it reproduce in the next few months I will get enough milk for the family and even sell the extra milk to earn an income. I will used the money to pay school fees for my children and even meet other household items. This has given me hope and strength to work hard for better tomorrow. I am so grateful for the support because were it not GiveDirectly all this could not have happened. GiveDirectly not only has improved our living standards now but also assured us of a better future since of the assets that we have purchased. I am so grateful for the support."
Penaline's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Penaline received a $492 initial payment.
"I spent KES 4000 to pay school fees for my child in secondary school. He was able to study well without being sent home like before. I purchased a piece of land at a cost of 46,000. I am so grateful because this was my dream. I stay with my parents at home and I had always wished to own a piece of land and build my own house and do horticulture farming. The rest of the money I bought food and clothes for my children. I am so happy because GiveDirectly has enabled me to own a piece of land."