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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Japhet's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Japhet enrolled.
"Lack of a stable source of income is the main challenge that I am facing. Imagine having someone depending on you and there is nothing you can give. This is the situation I am facing currently. My wife is expectant, she has not job and cannot work because of her condition. The only thing she relies on is my job as a motorist. What makes more sad is that most of the time, I do not get my commission because there are no clients to carry since there are very many motorbikes in the village. This has made life more difficult for me. My dream is to start my own business that will help me get money to meet the basic needs of my family. Upon receiving the cash transfer, I will prioritize starting a hotel business which does very well in my village. This will cost me 30000 KES. I will then use the remaining amount to buy food and ten goats that I will keep and sell when they multiply."
Anthony's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Anthony enrolled.
"I need money to rebuild my house and do business because with my condition now, I am no longer able to make farm."
Jumaa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Jumaa enrolled.
"Lack of a stable source of income is the main challenge that I am facing. Imagine being a hired motorist and there are no clients to carry. I am paid on commission so in case I do not get enough money as expected by the motorbike owner, I go home with nothing in the pocket. This brings a lot of stress to me because my wife and child depends on me for their survival. My ambition has been to start a spare part shop. This is because, in my village there are very many motorbikes and this will be a good business opportunity for me to make money. Upon receiving the cash transfer, I will use 60000 KES to invest in this business so that I can get money to sustain my family."
Patuma's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Patuma received a $377 initial payment.
"I was very happy and greatful when i recieved my money. I have never ever seen such generocity and i am very thankful for this help."
Hadija's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Hadija enrolled.
"My first priority when I receive this money is buying 5 goats. I have been looking after goats belonging to my grandfather in law and getting no benefit. With KES 20,000, I can add 5 to the flock so that I can at least benefit by having my own which will serve as a source of income. I also have 3 children in school and this money will help me pay school fees and buy them uniform, all at a cost of KES 10,000."
Rehema's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Rehema enrolled.
"Lack of a source of income is the main challenge facing my life. It is sad as a woman with three children to just wake up and stay in the house the whole day without having any economic activity to do. Sometimes back I used to do subsistence farming but now there is prolonged drought that has made farming impossible. I have basic needs to meet but have no job to do to salvage my family. I now depend on my husband who earns 20000 KES a month. This money is not enough because he has to pay rent in Nairobi which is very expensive. A single room is about 7000 KES a month, buy food for us and pay school fees. This has made life very difficult for me and my family. My ambition is to start a shop business that will help me get money for my family basic needs. I am very happy that the cash transfers will give me this opportunity to change not only the lives of my family, but also the community as well because they will no longer travel to long distance to buy flour."
Aisha's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Aisha enrolled.
"Having an unreliable source of income is my current challenge. I currently do charcoal business against my will because there is no other option. There are no jobs available and to make matters worse, there is drought. Getting a meal for the day has been difficult because there is no money to purchase the food. Apart from food, my children need other basic needs like clothes and school fees too."
Patuma's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Patuma received a $377 initial payment.
"With my most recent transfer, I have managed to procure a few construction materials such as iron sheets and windowframes which I intend to use when building my new house in the next months. I have also bought better beddings such as duvets and blankets and a new sleeping place( mattress)..Some cash was spent on procuring farming equipments such as hoes. Lastly, I used the money in renting a land where I plan on cultivating my crops in the rainy season.."
Patuma's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Patuma received a $377 initial payment.
"My biggest difference in my daily life is that, I have enough resources interms of food and other basic necessities that is sufficient for everyone..In the past, we were struggling to find food for breakfast, but now with the money, I am able to buy sugar and bread for my kids and even other items needed for breakfast..I feel so grateful that my entire family is happy."
Wema's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Wema received a $377 initial payment.
"I have always thought of completing my house in that it should have beautiful windows and be plastered..So with my transfer, I have bought five bags of cement so that I can start plastering my house and window frames. I have also used my first cash transfer to purchase 2 big mattresses for the is for me and my husband while the other one is for the kids..On top of that , I have also bought some beddings such as blankets just so that it could complement better with the mattress that we now have. I used some of the money to procure a few bags of maize so that we can have enough food throughout the year."