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Newsfeed > Rehema's Profile
Rehema's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($476 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have a new goal which is to start a new business (retail shop) in my village. I have been thinking of it lately since the shops are in high demand. This assures me of getting good returns. For now, I am just an ordinary farmer without any reliable source of income. My spouse has been the breadwinner for all those years with very low incomes. I, therefore, believe that starting the business, will be an additional income that will empower me to settle all the bills timely.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GiveDirectly did well in the entire region by offering financial support. I never saw it coming anytime soon because it has never happened in my life. Apart from that, the fact that the money was sent directly into our Mpesa accounts stood out. I however do not see any part that the organization needs to work on.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent part of my second transfer on buying building materials and the labor charges which cost KES 18000. This was for the completion of my house that I had started earlier using the first transfers. I am so grateful that for now, it is a complete house that has been accommodating all my five family members. Previously, some of my children had to shelter at my relative's houses which I was not comfortable with. Later on, I cleared a medical bill for my son who had been quite unwell and I am glad he is fairing well after seeking better treatment. With the remaining amount, I bought foodstuffs for my family and decent clothing for my children. I am so grateful to GiveDirectly for the financial support and for transforming my life.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($484 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at home taking care of my goats when I received a call from my brother-in-law informing me that he already received his transfer and asked me to check my phone too for the message. Since I do not know how to read, I took the phone to my helper who stay next to my home to help me check if the money had been sent. He indeed confirmed that I had received the money. It was such a happy moment. I called my spouse and informed him about the money, and he was joyous too.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving the transfers is the gratitude I have since I started receiving the money from Give Directly because I no longer live in debts as was the case before. I have not believed that my children will be consistently attending school for a whole term without being sent back home for school fees. Previously they could not stay in school for a whole week and this became the norm. They even got used to it because they also understood that I could not afford their full day's meal let alone a whole term's school fees. I rely mostly on my spouse who works at a restaurant but since the Covid-19 pandemic their income reduced and at times they go for even 4 months without pay.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I bought 20 bags of cement at KES 13000 which I am planning to use to plaster my house. I had constructed a brick house but I ran out of cash so occupied it while it was halfway. Knowing that I already have enough materials to complete it makes me so excited. We do not have a reliable source of income and finishing the house was not in our plans. Am grateful to Give Directly for coming to our rescue. I also paid for my children's primary school fee of KES 1700 so that they could go back to school because they were at home for the fee at that time. I have saved KES 27000 which is to cater for the plastering labor and other expenses which might come up in the plastering process. Part of the money I spent on various foodstuffs for my family.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have a family of three children who are currently in primary school. You can imagine with such a family and without any source of income. My husband works in Nairobi as a waiter in a hotel. However, due to the effects of covid 19 pandemic he was was retrenched and stayed home for a whole year. Since then life has been very difficult. What worries me is that I am illiterate and back here is the village, there are no even casual jobs to do to earn any money. I am left depending on my spouse to get us food and meet other basic needs. My ambition has been to start a shop business in my village because there are no shops and this will give me a lot of profit. Upon receiving this cash transfer, I will start a shop business that will cost me 50000 KES. I will then use the other amount to pay for school fees for my children in school.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Last week my husband came back home from Nairobi where he works as a waiter in a hotel. He has been away for three months and his absence as a father of my children has affected my children because they see other children eating with their fathers but them, their father is not around. When he came, my children were very happy and it was just joy in my family. I had also missed him a lot and having him for that one week was really nice.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lack of a source of income is the main challenge facing my life. It is sad as a woman with three children to just wake up and stay in the house the whole day without having any economic activity to do. Sometimes back I used to do subsistence farming but now there is prolonged drought that has made farming impossible. I have basic needs to meet but have no job to do to salvage my family. I now depend on my husband who earns 20000 KES a month. This money is not enough because he has to pay rent in Nairobi which is very expensive. A single room is about 7000 KES a month, buy food for us and pay school fees. This has made life very difficult for me and my family. My ambition is to start a shop business that will help me get money for my family basic needs. I am very happy that the cash transfers will give me this opportunity to change not only the lives of my family, but also the community as well because they will no longer travel to long distance to buy flour.