GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Roseline's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Roseline enrolled.
"I don't have money to buy food. I was abandoned by my man five years ago, and since then, I'm finding it very because I can't make farm on my own. I don't even have money to pay people to help me. With my, I will be able to buy food to eat daily I also want to buy land for my children but I don't have money as well. These are my major challenges. In short my major challenges are money to get me food, and land for my kids. * Am sick, and can't get money to go to the hospital."
Musu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Musu enrolled.
"The major challenge I am faced with is see my spouse doing hard casual job to cater for our basic needs such as food, children education, medical care and decent shelters. job which are not health friendly. I will really appreciate help from Givedirectly to enable me actualize my dream."
Jartu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Jartu enrolled.
"Receiving this cash transfer means quality education for my kids. For the past one year I have been struggling to pay my children's tuition because their father who was fully responsible for them abandoned me. I do not have a reliable source of income which makes it very difficult for me to pay their tuition. I feel very sad every time they have to drop out of school because of school fees. I plan to use a portion of this cash transfer to pay their full tuition and also use the rest to establish a business which will enable me earn an income to sustain us. I strongly believe that if my kids are educated they will secure better job opportunities in the future to support us."
Susanna's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Susanna enrolled.
"Food security is the major problem that we are currently facing. For the past two years I have not had a reliable source of income which makes it very difficult for me to meet the needs of my family. What we produce from the farm annually is not always enough to feed us. We have to sometimes seek assistance from friends and relatives which is very embarrassing."
Somah's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Somah received a $274 initial payment.
"No used huge amount of money to pay my children school fees the moment I received it including their registration and purchasing of their school materials. I bought five bags of cement for the renovation of my house that is in a deplorable condition."
Matenneh's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Matenneh received a $274 initial payment.
"I was very happy for receiving money that I didn't work for. I was doing business prior to receiving the money, but my profits had not reach to the amount of money I received from GiveDirectly. My two brothers supposed to travel for studies. I really confused on what to do for them. Luckily I received this money from GiveDirectly."
Varney's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Varney received a $274 initial payment.
"I was on my farm when I received this money. I was over happy to the extent that I wanted to quit the day's work. Up till now I'm happy and I'm waiting on the second transfer to start my house projects. My children school fees was the most important thing on my agenda. I didn't know how to go about getting money for them. Fortunately for me, I was successful to be part of this program."
Kulubah's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kulubah enrolled.
"I will build a house for my family and start a business to support my children. The house I'm in currently is a family house and my children and I are stuck up in one room"
Musu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Musu enrolled.
"I will build a two bedroom house for my family when I receive the transfers. I was living in Swawoo village in someone's house,but the person threw me out because he wanted to move in,and I was homeless for days till my neighbor gave me a room here to stay with my spouse and five children. I want to build my own house so I can be independent, right now my kids and I sleep in one room which is uncomfortable for my family,no privacy for my spouse and I."
Maima's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Maima enrolled.
"Upon receiving this cash, my plan is to send my children to school. Why because, my first relationship I had, we were together for more than twenty eight years, we bear ten children, five died and five are alive he left all the children with me and we parted. I'm getting older, I feel that when I send my children to school, they will take good care of me in return. The house I'm in presently is not for me, the second relationship I had, we were together and his wife came and cause case on me that I have taken her husband and she fail to know that, the man and myself struggle to put things together, she came and disgrace me, I had nowhere to go until a lady give me her husband to be in until things get better. My family took my other children inorder to help me reduced the burden that I'm faced with. Presently, since my husband left me, I'm the only one catering to the children, I have to do hard labor practice and farm work in order to send money to the people that are looking after my children. From this, I decided that when I get this money, I wi used portion of it to send my children to school, used portion of it to put my own house and used the balance to do a business that will set a good foundation for my children in my absent."