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Newsfeed > Victor's Profile
Victor's family
Subsistence farming
Liberia Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I will invest in business if I receive the cash transfer from Givedirectly. I was operating a shop before but, since my wife passed away in 2016, all of the expensive surrounding her sickness and her death made my business to collapse. Prior to the death of my wife, I was able to maintain the welfare of the family to some levels. Notwithstanding, to regain control of my family's welfare, it would be a payable idea to invest the transfer in to business for the sustainability of my family's welfare.
What is the happiest part of your day?
In the month of July, 2021, my yonger son (Sando Washington) was awarded a scholarship by the District Education Officer ( DEO ) of Suehn-Mecca Educatoinal District during their closing program for being the first of the honor students. This was my recent and biggest happy time after some times of hardships and pains. I worry about my kids schooling every year because, the little that I labour for can't fully support them in school. Some are even sitting home and not attending due to lack of money. The offer from the DEO's Office brought smile in to my face and overall, the presence of Givedirectly in to our community is a sounding joy for me that I will use to create a brighter future for kids by paying their fees on time.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The hardship I am currently facing is financial hardship. The life my family lived prior to 2016 was different and far better than now. My wife too sick for two years before her demised in 2016 from when my financial hardship begun. Due to no source of income, I couldn't provide sufficient meal for my kids anymore. I was left with no alternative but to spread them out to other relatives of mine. However, upon the recept of Givedirectly assistance, it is my hope to reopen my shop and later bring back my kids under my roof.