GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 years ago
received a $39 twelfth payment.
"My new goal, for now, is to save to help me buy a motorcycle. I do not have a stable source of income now and I since I did not get a good education, I prefer doing business. This is why I have chosen to save for buying a motorcycle."
View Samuel's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"Currently, I am staying at my sisters' place where I have been staying for the last fifteen years. With Give Directly's transfers, I have been able to buy a cow and a heifer. I believe in the next six months, I will have started saving towards buying a piece of land. I am looking forward to saving the money which I will get from the sale of milk to buy a piece of land where a will build a home for my children and my self. I am a single parent and through the empowerment which I get from Give Directly I believe I would achieve my dream."
View Caroline's
5 years ago
received a $542 initial payment.
"For so long, catering to my family's needs had been a strenuous work to me since I did not have a reliable source of income. I used to do a lot of work and its pay was less to what I needed to meet my family's basic needs. Being able to start a poultry project using my transfer is the biggest difference in my daily life. This is because I will be able to earn an income from this project without much struggle. I will be using this income to cater for my family needs and to pay for my children's education."
View Reginah's
5 years ago
received a $542 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I have paid school fees for my children in both secondary school and college. I depend on small scale farming including a poultry-keeping project to earn an income to meet all the basic needs of the family and pay school fees at the same time. Sometimes My children were sent home to collect school fees and because I did not have the money instantly they could stay at home for quite some time at this was affecting their performance in school. Currently, I have cleared all the fee areas and my children were not sent home as usual. Their performance was so improved as compared to previous terms and this made me so happy. I also had peace of mind to concentrate on other activities because I knew that they won't be sent home. I am so happy because GiveDirectly has given me hope to work smart to ensure that my children graduate on time."
View Eunice's
5 years ago
"Droughts occur almost twice every year. When it happens livestock's production declines due to grass and water pans drying up. A decline in the major source of income affect school attendance and food security of my children."
View Joyce's
5 years ago
"I rare a few livestock (cows and goats) and I depend on milk to supplement the little income I get from being a casual laborer (electrician). Owing to this, I have a plan of acquiring a new machine (costing around 20 USD) for milling animal feeds and the remaining 25 USD, I will use to build a crush. Therefore, receiving this money mean I will be able to own my own machine."
View Philip's
5 years ago
"Unreliable rainfall patterns that has rendered my farm unprodictive has been the biggest hardship i face. I spend most of the proceeds i earn from my small business of selling beverages to support my family needs eg. buying food, hence barely enough is left for savings, meaning i haven't been able to succeed in terms of achieving my development goals."
View Caroline's
5 years ago
"Adding one heifer to my livestock @ $350, adding more chicken to my poultry and building a modern poultry unit all at a cost of $150 is what receiving this money means to me. I will then use the remaining part of my transfer to buy food and clothes for my family"
View Chelangat's
5 years ago
"My children are growing older and I see the necessity of building them an extra room.This will cost me approximately Ksh.30,000(300 USD) for building materials and Ksh.10,000(100 USD) for labour.I also have a plan of starting a poultry unit.I will start by fencing part of my compound then setting up structures.To begin with I will buy 30 layers chicken.The eggs I get from the poultry will serve as a good source of income.I will be able to pay school fees for my children."
View Moritim's
5 years ago
"Livelihood in our village depends mostly on subsistence farming especially during rain seasons. It has been a trend that everyone in the village own livestock especially goats but this has not been the case to me. I have always desired to start goats rearing like others but I have not accomplished this because of the financial challenges I am facing. Receiving this money means fulfilment of my dream as l am planning to spend $ 150 to purchase 5 goats. I will use the remaining amount in starting a kiosk in the village which will act as my reliable source of income for my family of 7 members."
View Dhahabu's