GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship I have ever faced is food insecurity. Iam a widow and I rely on casual job that pays me little income which cannot sustain me with my family.Sometimes when I seek help from neighbors they talk negative about me.This embarrasses me."
View Nyevu's
over 3 years ago
"Lack of beddings is the biggest hardship.This is because we are old and rely on casual labor which does not give us enough money to buy food and beddings. Due to this my wife, daughter and I are forced to sleep on the floor so that we use the little money to buy food, something that embarrasses me when we get visitors."
View Karisa's
over 3 years ago
"I have been buying milk for my daily consumption, As and old person I want to buy a dairy cow Worth 40,000sh, I will have milk for myself and sell the rest so that it can sustain me. I had one cow before but it was slaughtered when my husband passed away and have been buying milk all through. The rest of the amount I will use it to buy goats and chickens."
View Marcelina's
over 3 years ago
"My children have been sent out of school several times something that has affected their performance. Considering our combined income from my charcoal selling with that of my husband from his casual work is very minimal and can not sustain all our needs, so receiving this money, means a bright future for my children. This is because, I intend to spend the entire first transfer ksh 55000, to settle all the school fees arrears as well as paying part of their proceeding terms' fees. This will enable them to settle in school and eventually an improved performance. With the remaining transfer, I plan to buy 2 indigenous dairy cows to have a long-term investment project that will act as my store of wealth and part of it will help me to buy new beddings."
View Kabibi's
over 3 years ago
"My biggest hardship is during rain season. I spend sleepless nights because my house is leaking. This sometimes makes my headache due to accumulated sleepless days. During short rains season on october and long rain seasons on May are my biggest harship period in life."
View Sidi's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money means that I will acquire a new source of income and food for my household. For a long time, I have been relying on crops, mainly maize and sweet potatoes. However, they often fail due to poor rains. It has never been sufficient for food in my household. Additionally, In this old age, I need to use milk in my daily meals since I have no appetite for vegetables and ugali alone. I will buy 2 heifers at about Kes 30,000 each when I get the money. I will serve them in turns so that I get at least 4 litres per day through out the year, providing bmw with enough for household consumption and also for sale too earn some income."
View Rusi's
over 3 years ago
received a $510 initial payment.
"For all those years, I have been relying on casual jobs with meagre income and being the breadwinner I had to make sure ends meets. Most of the days, I could not afford to buy their daily meals and this used to frustrate me a lot. In addition to this, I had even lost hope in life and I never thought I would renovate my house anytime soon. Therefore the coming of GiveDirectly into my life is a prayer answered for me. I am now sleeping in a better place and I no longer seek shelter as I used to do especially during the rainy seasons. My house is now decent and spacious enough, besides I can also provide for my family needs without any straggles as before. According to me, this makes the biggest difference in my daily life."
View Patrick's
over 3 years ago
"My husband is a casual labourer who travel far for a casual job, whatever he gets is very little that we cannot survive, we are always lonely and my children always ask for him. This makes us to be uncomfortable in the family."
View Daisy's
over 3 years ago
"My biggest hardship is finding a job as a teacher. I taught at a nearby school for two years before I was dismissed because I did not have an employment number. Getting the certificate will really help me a lot."
View Chepkirui's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest challenge I have faced is having running water. The water source is far and tedious for my wife. Purchasing and setting up a tank to hold water will really help my family a lot."
View Samwel's