GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 years ago
"The biggest hardship that I am faced with is lack of land for cultivation. For each time that I have had to do cultivation, I have hired land because if I don't, I will not have food in my home and my children will have nothing to feed on.
I have never had the opportunity to buy land on my own since I don't have money."
View Maculate's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I will be able to purchase household items like bedding in order to improve on living conditions. I share one mattress with four of my children which is very inconviniencing.
I will build more two grass thatched houses that will improve on the beauty of the home and provide specious accommodation to visitors and my children."
View Esther's
5 years ago
"The biggest hardship I face is lack of money for implementing some of my dream plans. I feel like owing oxen to facilitate easy crop farming but this has never been easy due to lack of money. I can not carry out farming well which could be a better source of income generating activity in the family."
View Jaffar's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I buy oxen and an ox plough in order to support in animal traction. The oxen will improve on food production that will be a source of livelihood for the household. Part of the food can be sold to cater for other household challenges."
View Harriet's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I will be able to construct a permanent house that I will stay in with my wife. The one I stay in currently is leaky because th termites have eaten most of the grass used for thatching leaving the roof bare. When a permanent house is built, I will be able to save money that would otherwise be spent on renovating houses every year hence improved living conditions as well."
View Isaac's
5 years ago
"The biggest hardship Ivface in my life is lack of enough land in order to support my family. I own only an acre of land which can not produce enough food for the household. Besides, I have built on the same piece of land leaving a very small portion for cultivation."
View Sam's
5 years ago
received a $512 second payment.
"I stayed in a squeezed rental house for a longer period of time since it was what I could afford based on my meager income. It was hard to maintain privacy especially living with my children who were growing up and very inquisitive. My life is different after using GiveDirectly transfers to build a decent house because I am glad and peaceful as I have different rooms that fits each one of us. I no longer share the same sleeping room with my children. I also don't shy away to host visitors like I did before where I was embarrassed with my living status at that time."
View Steven's
5 years ago
received a $22 seventeenth payment.
"I believe by then I shall have expanded on my farming which will help in the generation of income for the family. We can sell the proceeds to raise income and also consume most of them for nourishment. This will be our main source of income so I believe it is best to invest in better seeds, fertilizer and extra manpower in order to achieve this."
View Peninah's
5 years ago
received a $512 second payment.
"Owning a pair of oxen is the biggest difference I wouldn't have achieved without GiveDirectly's assistance. Previously, I had none and it was difficult to invest in farming since I was using hoes and this forced me to work on a smaller acreage of land giving me eight bags of corns for the whole year. Having my pair of oxen is advantageous to me because this year I have harvested sixty bags of corn that I intend to sell and add another pair of oxen with part of the profits. Henceforth ,I shall be assured of cultivating a bigger acreage of land for better yields and also source for extra income through hiring them to my neighbors."
View Joyce's
5 years ago
received a $22 seventeenth payment.
"I expect the change in the next few months as I shall have bought the livestock for rearing. I have always wanted to rear livestock specifically for the production of milk for our daily consumption to nourish us. I look forward to having the livestock by then. We can always sell the milk to generate income for our upkeep."
View Erick's