GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 years ago
received a $532 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I have cemented the floor of my house. We used to live on a dusty floor and this was exposing us to many respiratory-related diseases which is very costly to cure. Living on a dusty floor was making me smear every weekend to reduce the dust and this was taking much of the time that I could have used on my farm. I depend on casual jobs and farming to earn an income. The amount of money that I get through this is so small and cannot gather for all the basic needs including saving to cement the house. Currently, we live in a dusty free house and we are so happy. I have much time to work on my farm unlike before where I could spend much time on smearing the flour. My children are very healthy because they are no longer being exposed to dust. I am so much happy because our living standard has changed to be better."
View Emmy's
5 years ago
received a $532 initial payment.
"I received a message alert early in the morning. I waited for my helper at daybreak who checked and confirmed to me that it was from GiveDirectly informing me that I had finally received my first transfer. I felt happy and thanked them for their financial help."
View Kadii's
5 years ago
received a $532 initial payment.
"Before GiveDirectly came to us, I was sleeping on an old and worn-out mattress and a traditional bed which I had not been able to replace over some years due to financial constraints. However, I am now happy that when I received the first transfer, I managed to replace them by purchasing a new wooden bed and a mattress. I am now sleeping comfortably unlike before when I was using the old beddings."
View Furaha's
5 years ago
"My life desire has been to start rearing indigenous goat as my long term investment plan to assist me in meeting my family's basic needs. Being a widow and a sole provider for my family, my only hope is to work as a labourer on my neighbor's farm and I rarely work on my farm. The income from this job is 1 dollar per day which is spent on food, making it hard to meet the other family needs like education and clothing. I have wished to start rearing livestock as an alternative source of income but this has never materialized due to financial constraints. Receiving this means actualization of my long-term dream. The remaining amount will help me in repairing my house."
View Jumwa's
5 years ago
received a $39 twelfth payment.
"My life is different from how it was in that, I was able to meet most of my goals. I have managed to buy most of the household items such as seats, cupboards, and beds which I could not have bought by now. I used to fully depend on my salary. My salary could cater to the daily basic needs although it could not be enough to buy these items at once. There are several other goals that I don't think I would attain if I only depended on my salary."
View Susan's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"We expect our lives to change in that we shall have been more established financially as a family. GiveDirectly's transfers has enabled me to concentrate on improving my shoe selling business since it has been able to help me meet the daily needs without necessarily having to eat into my profits. I therefore expect that in the next six months I will be getting more profits from the said business. "
View Leonard's
5 years ago
received a $22 twelfth payment.
"In the next six months we expect our lives to change in that we shall have improved our farming practices and increase our general household income. The dairy cows that we are buying and those that we have bought shall as well be of great help to us in increasing the level of income and improving our living standards as a family. "
View Risper's
5 years ago
received a $514 second payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if I never received GiveDirectly's transfers in that I started a small grocery business. I was a helpless housewife that depended heavily on my spouse. I had felt ashamed of this but I couldn't do anything to get out of the situation. I am happy that the transfers has taken away the shame and brought back my self-esteem in our society. The profits from this project have enabled me to provide for some of my family's needs. Currently, I no longer depend on my spouse to provide us with everything as I did before. I had also always lived in a house with two rooms because of our low income. Right now, I have expanded my house by adding another two-bedroom with the transfers. I am happy and peaceful since I no longer shy off when I have visitors like before."
View Eunice's
5 years ago
received a $39 twelfth payment.
"My new goal is to buy a house. It is cheaper to buy houses in our area. I have started planning for the future because I know that I will not be a professional footballer forever. Once I buy them, I will be renting out to get my monthly income that will be used for our daily needs."
View Brian's
5 years ago
received a $532 second payment.
"I do not have a stable source of income and I mostly earn very little. With the overwhelming daily household needs, my earnings have been too little to cater for and remain with some to buy household items. I majorly spent the little I get on foodstuffs. Currently, I own decent chairs that I did not have before since what I could afford were old weak wooden stools. Secondly, I had a complication in my last semester of pregnancy because I was struggling with anemia which was a danger to me and my unborn baby. This was another hard moment in my life that required a lot from me. Thanks to GiveDirectly's the support enabled me to get the required medical attention and delivered safely. Today, I am proud seeing my daughter grown and I am also in good health which I think it ought not to be the case if it were not for GiveDirectly."
View Carolin's