GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"I spent $200 of the transfer to make a partial payment of the dowry that my husband owes my parent. This is a necessity with our tradition for any married man to fulfill. I also purchased enough clothes for I and my child and acquired a new mattress for $60, the one I had worn out and not comfortable to use. The remaining amount assisted me in purchasing adequate food for the family."
View Levinah's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if I never received the transfer in that I was able to boost the livelihood of my husband by investing 400 dollars into the business. At the moment our daily income has improved by 3 percent. In addition, I was able to seek medical assistance for myself since I was pregnant and I had some stomach complications."
View Maureen's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"Having started the construction of a new house with part of the first transfer, I spent part of the second on completion of the floors, installation of a new piece of furniture, and other interior decors. I am glad that we finally moved in after such a long time in the old kitchen that had been multipurpose as we also used it as a living, and a bedroom despite its tiny space. I also saved part of the amount that I used on obtaining a heifer worth 23000KES and the remaining on household foodstuff. I am still grateful for both the transfers I received as a lot really changed in my life."
View Ngeno's
over 3 years ago
received a $509 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life after receiving the transfer is the great transformation in my personal life. I had been working on casual work for such a long time but the transfer I received has proven to be changing the way things were. I am currently working on my own piece of farm, weeding the beans I planted a month ago. The instant switch from the casual labor I used to wake up to every morning to the current subsistence farming on my own farm is an amazing difference in my life. I am grateful for this opportunity to finally embark on developing my own unlike in the past when I was fully dependent on casual labor."
View Vivian's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"After receiving my second transfer, I spent the first 33000KES on livestock purchases. I had been buying milk from my neighbor if not a liter from my parents who had been sharing it after I moved to my own house. This has never been enough for my family of five and on getting the transfer, I decided to buy a good breed of cow currently lactating. I spent the remaining amount on buying household foodstuff and the remaining on sorting other household bills."
View Simion's
over 3 years ago
received a $492 second payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if I never received the transfer in that I am living a proud life. Through the aid , I was able to start livestock keeping by acquiring 3 goats. In addition, I have a pair of oxen that will boost our crop farming to replace the handwork which is slow and tiresome. I will be able to cultivate a larger section of the firm hence enough food for the family. Furthermore, I was able to pay the fee balance for I and my siblings."
View Mahenzo's
over 3 years ago
received a $509 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly did well in enrolling every eligible households in the village. In addition, the cash transfer was non refundable something that has never happened in the past. In my opinion, everything went well during the enrollment processes and even follow-up stages."
View Lidya's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving the money will help me buy clothes for my children, put food on the table and put iron sheets on my house"
View Aideni's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money will be means to end most of my financial problems. I need to buy iron sheets and roof my house. I need to buy blankets for my family and have enough food for every day consumption and not depend on piece work to put food on my table"
View Alli's
over 3 years ago
"My biggest hardship have always been not having enough food for my children. This has promote me and my husband to be working long hours in other people's maize field and ignoring ours."
View Hawa's