GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kipkorir's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Kipkorir enrolled.
"Receiving this amount mean a lot to me because I have planned to build an iron roofed kitchen at a cost of 20,000 shillings because the grass that I use to thatch my kitchen is not available anymore. I will buy a cow at a cost of 25,000 shillings for milk production since I do not have one. I will use 6,000 shillings to stock maize and the rest used to buy basic things."
Sidi's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Sidi enrolled.
"After being married in 1969, my husband lost his casual job in Mombasa. So, he had to come back home. To fend for our basic wants, he resorted to make and sell charcoal. I used to accompany him to the unsecured forests, looking for woods. Sometimes we could spend days and nights in the cold, to look for enough woods. This made me not to have a close look after my children and I partially lost motherly attachment to them. Being taken care of by my mother-in-law, my daughters missed out the necessary parental guidance and ended up getting into early marriages. Today, they struggle to sustain themselves, and due to their illiteracy levels, the early-marriage problem has also trickled down to my grand-children. So, missing the opportunity to guide my children has been the biggest problem I have ever faced in my life."
Mwenda's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Mwenda enrolled.
"I gave birth to my beautiful daughter in 2013, who happens to be my last born. For all the previous deliveries, all has been well. However, for my daughter, it has been a different story. I had a prolonged labour pain, got induced to no vain. The doctors said it's a false labour and even allowed me to return home. No sooner had I boarded a motorcycle than I break the water. I had to be helped by the nurses and by the time I was delivering, my daughter had sniffed much of the smell from the green water. My daughter was taken to a baby care and was finally diagnosed with meconium. Up-to-date, she still suffers the same problem. Being jobless with my husband, I cannot afford to take her for further medical tests and treatment. My daughter's suffering has been the biggest hardship I have ever faced in my life."
Nyamvula's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Nyamvula enrolled.
"After just two years of marriage, my husband lost his job after suffering Tuberculosis. He used to work as a driver. It really put him down that he could no longer do any meaningful job. This greatly affected our income since I used to be a house wife who depended fully on him. I was forced to be the breadwinner since then. I have been up and down since then looking for house jobs such as laundry in people's homes. I now work as a house help so as to get money to support my two children. Ten years on, my husband's wealth is not back to normaly and is still unemployed. Taking up this heavy burden of fending for my family has been my biggest hardship."
Kali's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Kali enrolled.
"Having a safe and a decent house has been my desire for years now. My current house is old and unsafe, this make makes me feel insecure to live in.The moment I receive the first transfer, I will renovate my house to a more secure standard. For the second transfer, I will invest it in a livestock production business. I will buy goats and start keeping them in one of my farms. In a about two years , the goats will have increased in number and I will start selling some of the goats thus earning me income."
Priscilla's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Priscilla enrolled.
"Currently, my focus is on my children's education. Receiving this money means good education for my children. I have three children who are in primary school. The money I will receive from GiveDirectly will help me in paying school fees for the three children."
Celestine's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Celestine enrolled.
"My husband is an IT expert, due to the Covid 19 pandemic, he lost his job. Receiving the money from GiveDirectly will enable us set up an internet cafe which is in line with my husband's profession. By offering the internet services, we will be able to earn an income which will help us cater for our family's needs sustainably."
Cyrus's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Cyrus enrolled.
"I have been employed as a motorcycle rider and on my daily income I have to pay the owner before spending for myself, this always makes me to even remain with nothing to sustain myself. Receiving this money means I will buy mine be able to work for myself. Besides this I have a dream to be a poultry farmer since I will be using my motorbike to transport eggs and also when carrying feeds. I intend to use 500 dollars to buy a second hand motorcycle and spend another 500 dollars to start the project."
Richard's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Richard enrolled.
"My ambition is to be a successful farmer and supply vegetables to many villages. I make a living from farming of vegetables such as tomatoes and spinach but I want to also venture into livestock keeping. This transfer will mean a lot to my family because I will be able to expand the agribusiness and get more income. I will use about $400 to purchase a dairy cow, $100 for 2 goats and$50 for fencing of my homestead. The remaining transfer will aid in paying school fees for my children, food and their clothing."
Chengetich's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Chengetich enrolled.
"Currently, I am just a housewife, meaning we depend wholly on my husband to provide for us and gain our finances. This makes me feel inferior and that I cannot contribute significantly toward the development of my family and the expansion of our wealth. Hence, receiving this money means that I shall be gaining some income for my family because I will venture into the business of trading second-hand clothes within my vicinity. I have been yearning to do such a project since there exists a ready market for the target products. Overall, I shall feel empowered and equally superior like "other wives" who do not depend solely on their husbands for their livelihood and sustenance of their families."