GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Joseph's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Joseph enrolled.
"The biggest hardship is financial constraints. I'm a casual laborer earning at most ksh 350 per day. This goes to food. This casual labor job is not consistent meaning I don't get to earn every day. This doesn't allow me to save or cater for other family needs like better housing and clothing."
Caroline's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Caroline enrolled.
"I have always wanted to transform the whole of my main house to be of a concrete wall and floor.I have renovated a part of it but I was unable to complete it due to inadequate funds. Some bags of cement are in the store at the moment.I want to transform the whole house so that it can be decent and attractive.I want at least $500 to complete the house.I shall also establish a good business with a capital Of Sh. 45000 to serve the community ,the one I had initially collapsed because I used the benefits to pay my kids school fees and now that I have nobody to pay school fees for I can sustain a business (shop)."
Vivian's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Vivian enrolled.
"We have a small parcel of land and therefore our farm production is low . The size our land is approximately 0.8 acres, we depend mostly on maize farming for subsistence purpose. As a result of this low production we have to buy maize to supplement our production. A times we hardly afford to get all the three meals and sometimes we skip lunch so that we get something for supper to avoid my children going to bed hungry."
Anthony's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Anthony enrolled.
"I am a farmer ,I have been doing farming though on a small scale ,that is 1.5 acres.This has been able to assist me to cater for my expenses.Though not sufficient it has helped me pay school fees because I normally pay in kind ,that is to say when I harvest maize and beans I take them to school and they convert them to school fees. My plans is to expand the production to 4 acres,this will be long enough to sufficiently cater for the school fees and the surplus for household consumption. The rest of the money I intend to use it to furnish my house and fix fittings."
Jenipher's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Jenipher enrolled.
"Givedirectly is giving out money to poor Malawians like me because they want to boost our economic status. Here in village most of us fail to access our basic needs due to poverty therefore the money will help us to buy food, clothes, and many more"
Mercy's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Mercy enrolled.
"Owning a bigger house has always been my desire. I am a widow and the breadwinner of my household. I currently live in a small grass thatched house with my 2 children ,with the other teenage boy borrowing sleep from the neighbours. Receiving this money means building a decent house (300usd)to accommodate my family. I will spend the remaining transfers on food, clothing and purchasing a dairy cow(300usd).The milk will be used by the household and the remainder sold for income(0.35usd) per litre."
Winny's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Winny enrolled.
"Lack of finances is my biggest hardship. My husband passed on in February 2021. He was the bread winner for the family and our combined income could easen the family financial constraints. I now depend on the small business and the income is not sufficient enough (1.5usd) to feed and educate my family. I have not resumed to this business since then as I have to attend to the cattle and the farm."
Mausen's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Mausen enrolled.
"The biggest hardship i have faced in my life is lack of food. Although i am a subsistence farmer i fail to yeild more because i do not manage to buy fertilizer hence i always strugle to feed myself"
Asuwema's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Asuwema enrolled.
"I lack money for basic items such as soap, salt and food being an old woman. I believe this money will help me cover for some of those basic things"
Tabu's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Tabu enrolled.
"Receiving this money means food security to my house hold. This is because I do farming in a 1acre piece of land that I was given by my mother in law. The produce from this land is utmost 2 bags of 90 kgs that sustain my family of five for 2 months.I am planning to spend my first transfer to buy 2 acres of productive land that can produce more harvest to sustain my family. I will use $400 of my second transfer to buy 3 indigenous dairy cows to produce milk for consumption and also to sell the surplus to earn an income. The remaining amount will help me to cater for my basic needs like food."