GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Caroline's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Caroline received a $475 second payment.
"I have been able to start new goals and even achieve them. My first goal was to start a business that I have been able to start and I can only hope that it will get better. I was also able to buy 8 goats which can be used for both domestic and can be sold. I also was able to buy a sewing machine which I would use in my business as I am a tailor by profession."
Fatu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Fatu enrolled.
"Our plans for this money is to build ourself a house and send our kids to school, Currently we do not have our own house. Our family sleep in a single room. For the past years, even though we have tried to built our place, but no money. This season we didn't get good products from the farm. The animals disturbing the rice in TN that we didn't realized more rice. It's only hand to mouth. Our need for house is due to the fact that we're having children and the place is becoming small for us. We have our 5 years old son in town while one is here with us, and all of us can't be in this small place. It's embarrassing for us and our children. When we get our own house it will be a great thing for us because we will now boast of having property of our own which can benefit our children tomorrow. The second thing is sending our children to school. Our children in town are not going to school. We don't have the money to send them to school. The farm we depended on to have done that didn't produce to our expectations. The crops were damaged by the animals. Sending our children to school is a future investment that could benefit they and ourselves."
Jenneh's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Jenneh enrolled.
"My current challenges includes lack of money to send our kids to school, unable to fix my house, and looking after my husband's health. This school year has started, and three of our children are not in school due to the lack of money. This year we didn't get more rice from our farm because of the birds. In previous years, we had more productions because the rice was no eaten by the birds, which enable us sell some of the harvest and used the money to sent the children to school. Now we can't do same this year due to the fact that our harvest is low. Also our house is old. Because of that it leaks, and the mud is fallen. These situations causing serious discomfort for us. The children get sick from due to rain, as well as inserts from the roofing mat during dry season. Due to no money we continue experiencing this situation Everytime."
Jannet's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Jannet enrolled.
"Homelessness and financial hardship are the two major hardships I am facing now. A year ago, life was better for my kids and I when I was still in my own home. My school going son was in school and things were going on well. Unfortunately, my husband broke up with me and turned me over to my parents thereby making me to leave my established home that I worked so hard to build. Upon my return from my ex-marry home, my kids and I along with some of my yonger siblings have been sleeping in a single room. This has been a serious embarrassment to my privacy. Moreover, my kids are not even in school and we eat whatever my parents provide . All these are happening due to lack of finance. It is my hope that I will one day have my own home and a little business in order to manage the welfare of my family."
Miatta's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Miatta received a $275 initial payment.
"How I felt when I received my first transfer from GiveDirectly: I have been hearing that GiveDirectly has sent money in our neighboring towns and even this town that I live in; I was expecting mine as well. One evening, I told my younger sister to check my phone to see weather GiveDirectly has sent my transfer. When she checked it, it was confirmed that I have received money from GiveDirectly on my mobile money account and I was so happy day for the help. I keep blessing the organization for such a great help."
Sumala's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Sumala received a $275 initial payment.
"What I spend my most recent transfer on: I used the money to pay my school fees and will use the remaining to buy my schooling materials. Before GiveDirectly came to help us, I use to clean up other people farms and also make coal to raise money for my schooling."
Hajah's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Hajah received a $275 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving payments from GiveDirectly: Since I started receiving payments from GiveDirectly, my and I can eat on time now. Before GiveDirectly came to help us, my husband will do all the hard work to raise money for our family but now, the stress on him has reduced; we can even buy new materials for my daughter schooling."
Hawa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Hawa received a $275 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life since I started receiving payments from GiveDirectly: Since I started receiving payments from GiveDirectly, I can't credit goods from people again to sell. The goods I used to take on credit caused me to worry many days but now I am free selling my own goods."
Zenneh's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Zenneh received a $275 initial payment.
"What I spend my most recent transfer on: I used the money to send my two daughters to school so that they can learn and have better jobs in the future to help me. Before GiveDirectly sent me this money, I used to look for kiss-meat in the swamp area to sell and raise money for my children school fees. I thank God for GiveDirectly help given to me."
Boakai's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Boakai received a $275 initial payment.
"How I felt when I received my first transfer from GiveDirectly: On one of the Fridays in October around 8:00 AM, I was lying-down in my room resting when I received a message on my phone. I called my grand-daughter to read the message because I am illiterate. When she told me that I have received $40,375.00LD from GiveDirectly on my mobile money account, I was so happy because I have not received that kind of money for a long time now."