GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Longaneje's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Longaneje enrolled.
"Receiving this money means a house to me. Look at the house, I cannot call it a house at all. This money is therefore a blessing because it will help me build a house and have a proper place to sleep. It has been so hard to build a house because we depend on agriculture which is not enough and it always hand to mouth. When agriculture is not working my husband goes into fishing and as always,it's hand to mouth"
Mariam's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Mariam enrolled.
"I am a very happy person to have received this money. I have planned that I will use the money to fix my house. I want to buy iron sheets so that I cannot have a leaking roof. I am unable to sleep during rainy season because of the leaking roof. I will buy food because I do not have enough money to buy maize."
Hawah's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Hawah received a $377 initial payment.
"Sometimes I feel like I am living in another world. Honestly, I have been doing farming but I have never earned such amount of money from farming. I felt great and now I live a happy life, free from worries. I have the food I need and relish which I buy using the money. I am also putting up in a very nice house. I am not afraid of the rainy season because my house is having iron sheets on top."
Madalitso's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Madalitso enrolled.
"This money means development to my house, i will buy what i need for instance we have no good sleeping place, therefore i will buy a mattress. Other useful things we'd do are renovating this house and buy iron sheets."
Muhammed's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Muhammed received a $377 initial payment.
"I happy person that I have bought something which I have been desiring most. Movement between places has been simplified because of the transfer. I also have a comfortable sleeping place. I have also managed to buy maize for food processing. I couldn't have managed to do all this on my own."
Kangombe's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kangombe received a $475 second payment.
"My house has been there since my six children were toddlers and now almost four of them were married and it had really deteriorated over time even almost collapsing so I really wanted to renovate but since I had no money it had to wait and I also really wanted to own even a couple of livestock for domestic gain and even to help financially in the future if they ended up reproducing."
Kanze's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kanze received a $475 second payment.
"For the longest time I wanted to build a kitchen for my house since the previous one I had collapsed and so I had wanted to be able to have a better place to make my meals and the idea of rearing livestock was also in mind if I ever got money or an opportunity to purchase any with the aim of domestic benefits."
Dama's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Dama received a $475 second payment.
"The first transfers helped me in buying the iron sheets for my house and have them installed but the walls to my house were made of mud and sometime back during the rainy season the foundation was damaged so after I got the second transfers I decided to buy bricks so as I could build a better foundation to my house. Therefore I bought bricks twice which were transported in a lorry and it cost me KES 18,000. My son who had just recently joined highschool had pending balances so to avoid him being sent back home I gave him KES 12,000 for his fees. Then I took KES 10,000 which I planned on spending on food but changed my mind and decided to buy two goats worth KES 6,000 which I planned to rear and the remaining KES 4,000 I planned to spend on food. Lastly I fixed my tap and bought new pipes which in total was KES 2,000 and with the water coming out I can now even sell and earn something for myself."
Ali's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Ali enrolled.
"I am very happy to to hear about give directly's program because now i know that i will be able to buy Iron sheets to fix my house with new roof."
Amina's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Amina enrolled.
"This money means i will be able to properly buy food for me and my baby girl. As you can see i hardly make both ends meet and life is somewhat hard. I will also buy certain things in my house that i don't have and probably build me a house."