GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Dama's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Dama enrolled.
"Hunger is the biggest challenge in my house. I depend on a single meal every day. I drink a cup of porridge in the morning and leave my house to the shopping centre to search for a casual labour. I either do carry concrete or sand or do laundry to anyone with that job. I am living a hard life in my house with my 9 children. There is no water in our area, all water pans dried and the one with salt water is very far ( 3kilometers) from here."
Esnart's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Esnart received a $377 initial payment.
"When the money came in i thought of changing my living standards,i live in a poor house and i would love to build another one,so with the 70% of the money i bought house building materials,for example Timba used for roofing,ironsheet used for roofing,and bricks used for the actuall building. With the remaining 30% i bought household utensils like plates,bucket,pots,i also improved my sleeping place by buying matress,a bed and food."
Alice's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Alice enrolled.
"Receiving this money means that my two children in secondary school will have good education. Personally, I did not get the chance to finish school and dropped out due to lack of school fees. My ambition is to see all my children growing up to become who they want to be in future. This is only achievable through educating them well. I want to take my daughter to a boarding secondary school so that she can have ample time to do her studies. I do casual jobs to earn a living inorder to buy food, clothing and pay for school fees that earns me KES 200 per day which is very little to feed my family of five and at the same time cater for school fees. I am so delighted because the transfers that I will get from Givedirectly will help me achieve this. I plan on spending KES 50,000 to pay for next academic year fees and KES 9,550 to clear school fees in arrears."
Kaingu's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kaingu enrolled.
"I have been having a desire of doing a retail shop business for many years but my income does not permanently allow me to start it. I depend on casual labour doing construction jobs as a helper of a Mason. I have been thinking of how I will have a freedom of doing my business so that I can grow financially to be wealthy but isn't possible to achieve my ambition. Receiving this money means I will fulfill my dream of doing business. I will build a small kiosk which will be the base of my business just here at my compound. I will stock domestic products like maize flour, sugar ,eggs, salt and other products. I will purchase dry fish from Mombasa because they do good business here in my area and I believe in one year's time , I will be totally different person from who I am."
Sigere's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Sigere enrolled.
"The most challenging thing we are facing is source of income or i can say to find money yo carter gor our necessities is very difficult since we are old at first my husband used to go for fishing but now he can't since he is old so our source of income has been demeaned we are depending on piece of work one can offer to us"
Mbilile's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Mbilile received a $377 initial payment.
"The biggest difference is i never had a comfortable place to sleep on,i was relaying on casual labour for survival but now i can eat"
Ndoko's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Ndoko enrolled.
"Financial instability is the challenge I face as of now. I use to fish at the nearby river 5 kilometers from my compound but due to the pronged drought the river dried and we're left with nothing else to do. I had to turn into charcoal, burning but we longer have trees so we dig trunks to burn to get charcoal. This is tiresome with fewer returns of KES 1500 per week. Having 7 children to take care of their basic needs and not having a stable source of income lowers my dignity as a father because I am unable to provide."
Mina's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Mina enrolled.
"The main challenge that I am facing currently is lack of food since I do not harvest enough food. I also lack good clothes because I do not make enough money to buy food clothes."
Hawa's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Hawa enrolled.
"Receiving this money has meant a great opportunity for my family and am such honored.i plan to restart my fish business and buy enough food for my family."
Joyce's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Joyce enrolled.
"Receiving this money has meant great help for my household, am really honored to be part of this program. I plan to spend the transfer to buy land and build a bigger house , boast my bussiness and buy enough food."