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Newsfeed > Sigere's Profile
Sigere's family
Casual labor
Malawi Large Transfers
Upcoming Stage
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access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Once i receive this money i will buy food, this year i didn't harvest enough i only harvested 4 bags which is far less than usual because usually i do harvest 18 bags. The most challenge i faced was dryspell thats why i did not harvest enough. Secondary i will buy matress ever since i was born i have never slept on a matress i do sleep on a mat when i wake up my body is always paining i will also buy ironsheets to put on my roof i am getting old so to be going to the mountain freuently to look for grass is very tiresome
What is the happiest part of your day?
I was very happy as i managed to secure a piece of work and i managed to buy a bag of maize which we are currently eating. Most of the times i am worried of where i will get food regarding our old age so to be able to secure one i was very happy
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The most challenging thing we are facing is source of income or i can say to find money yo carter gor our necessities is very difficult since we are old at first my husband used to go for fishing but now he can't since he is old so our source of income has been demeaned we are depending on piece of work one can offer to us