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Newsfeed > Jannet's Profile
Jannet's family
Liberia Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
It is my plan to construct a two bedroom house with a shop to establish a business if I received the cash transfer from Givedirectly. I need a dwelling place for my children and I. Since my ex-husband wasted five years of my life and later turned me over to my parents officially, my two kids and I have been living under my parent's roof. My kids and I have become an additional burden on my parents. With this situation, it would be helpful for me to have a home and a little business establish in order to sustain my family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The month of September 2021 was my happy time. I was happy because, my bigger brother assisted me with $ 4,000 Liberian Dollars to treat my son who was seriously sick. This is one of the time I remembered being happy. I have been heavily challenged with lot of situations such as, lack of food, dwelling place etc. However, in the midst of all these challenges, I became truly happy because, my son survived the illness. In addition to my joy, the presence of Givedirectly in our village builds my hope that I can regain my financial independence and have a business to sustain my family.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Homelessness and financial hardship are the two major hardships I am facing now. A year ago, life was better for my kids and I when I was still in my own home. My school going son was in school and things were going on well. Unfortunately, my husband broke up with me and turned me over to my parents thereby making me to leave my established home that I worked so hard to build. Upon my return from my ex-marry home, my kids and I along with some of my yonger siblings have been sleeping in a single room. This has been a serious embarrassment to my privacy. Moreover, my kids are not even in school and we eat whatever my parents provide . All these are happening due to lack of finance. It is my hope that I will one day have my own home and a little business in order to manage the welfare of my family.