GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Dorathy's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Dorathy enrolled.
"I will use the money to start a business. Right now, I have two children in high school, one who has completed secondary education and want to attend the University of Liberia but there is no way I can support them now. The transfer if received, it will be used to start flour business and the profit from this business will be used to support mu three children."
Sarah's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Sarah enrolled.
"When i receive this money i will use it to make coco farm, build house and send my children to school. When my coco farm starts to produce, it will help me to give my children quality education."
Daniel's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Daniel enrolled.
"When i receive the first transfer i will send my oldest daughter to the University. I will use the next transfer to expand my coco farm and my last two transfers will be use to settle my children's school fees and increase my wife's business."
Annie's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Annie received a $297 second payment.
"GiveDirectly does everything well because it really makes me happy to see them long distance just to see us benefit from the program."
Doroty's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Doroty enrolled.
"The challenges i am currently facing is finances. I want to engage in life trees farming but i don't have the finances to support my plans."
Martha's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Martha enrolled.
"All our lives, farming has always been our major occupation in order to enbale us make ends meet. It has always been selling farm crops and saving the money with club to enable the us have enough money to send our children to school. With this cash transfer from Give Directly, we are definitely going to send some of the money to two of our children who are staying with their uncle and aunty for their school fees just to be of help for once this time around! We would also invest into a profitable business. And, if there's still cash left from the cash transfer, we would invest it into a saving club so that it can grow."
Felecia's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Felecia enrolled.
"" I'm the last child for my parent, My mother parent had always supported us and making sure we lack nothing in school. It was unfortunate I could not end my education due to some financial crisis and my mother could no longer help us anymore. I've always wish to be a high school graduate but life has turned it another way leaving me six children and a wife to a polygamous who is also thinking of supporting his first wife's children. With the cash transfer from Give Directly, I'm going to invest into my five children education, invest into a profitable businesa for the betterment of my children . I believe once my children are well educated and working I will no longer be involve into hard farm work again."
Rosetta's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Rosetta enrolled.
"The current challenges I'm face is in sending my children to school to a better school. Everytime I see other children coming from school and seeing mine only into farm work it breaks me down. Our parent were unable to send us to school so we ended up going into high farm work. I will be so excited seeimg my coming out of high school one of these days"."
Ezra's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Ezra received a $489 initial payment.
"Receiving this transfer brought a lot of joy to all my family members. After a long period of depending on my mum to give us milk, I was sure that once I receive the cash transfer it would allow me to purchase a dairy cow which will provide us with sufficient milk. Since my mother didn't have adequate milk she would only give us one cup of milk daily which could not sustain us rather we would use it to feed our young child. With Kshs.35,000 I bought a good Friesian cow which at least can give us one litre of milk per day and in the future am hoping it will give us surplus milk. With Ksh.3,000 I bought a sack of maize which will sustain us for a couple of months hence won't struggle a lot in providing my family basic needs. In addition, I use Kshs.4,000 to buy timber which I am going to use to construct a new house once I receive my second transfer. With the remaining amount, I spent on buying clothing for my family."
Rose's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Rose received a $489 initial payment.
"Being a milk supplier,I had woken up early to go about my daily business.It was around 7am when I heard my phone vibrate and upon checking it was a confirmation of receipt of Ksh 55,000 from Givedirectly.I was overjoyed and I called my husband to inform him about the same and he was equally excited.We had been eagerly waiting for the cash transfer since we had already planned on what to spend on."