GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Annie's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Annie enrolled.
"I am married and living in this town with my family but I don't have a very good house to show as a born citizen of this town,every where I travel out of my town I see my friends with good and big house/ houses. I feel very proud of them. I came back and said to my self I must build house for my children before I pass. So my first plan on my mind is to build a very big house and good for living. In this light my children will not suffer when they are all grown up. They will experience a life in a good house."
Josephine's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Josephine enrolled.
"My main problem that I will say to you is money. Helping my family without money do think I will do better for them?No ; so I need money just money to do what I have planned over the years. I want to see my children go to school, all is money my brothers and sisters is fully looking up to me but money will answer all the questions."
Satta's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Satta enrolled.
""Four years ago my husband had an accident with a gun that led to paralysis in his hands. By then, we were living in this same town but we had to relocate in order to meet up with his medical appointments in the city. This was one of the toughest times of our lives! It's just last year December that we were able to settle back home. Now, it's even tougher because we're like starting our lives again! The challenges have increased with food and other petty needs that family shouldn't even be struggling with! We've reached to the point where my children have become the "bread winners" for us! In order for us to have a day's meal, we usually go from house to house in search of petty things to do around our neighbors yards or some basic house chores to have a little cash for the day.""
Evon's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Evon enrolled.
"My main challenges are lack of money and food. As a single mother, I am really finding it hard to earn money, as a result, we usually sell the rice from the farm inorder to generate funding for my children school fees and after selling the rice, we are left with nothing for food. Some time, I have to visit some relatives and beg them inorder to have food for my family and I. Going to my relatives in search of food or begging for food is a serious embarrassment and a great challenge to me."
Jity's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Jity enrolled.
"Some of the difficulties we are faced with are; lack of money and food. As a family, we dependent on our farm to sponsor our children education and have food to eat. But sometimes, the farm can not produces enough to feed us and pay our children school fees, making it difficult for us to survive. So, sometimes, my wife and I have to do daily hired jobs or casual labor to enable us earn money for our children's school fees and food."
Wondah's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Wondah enrolled.
""The major challenge I'm faced with right now is finance. I need cash to continue my education. I am currently out of school due to funding and my spouse is not working""
Joetta's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Joetta enrolled.
""First of all, I would enroll my children to school because I wasn't privileged to have attended. Next, I will establish a bigger business than what I have right now. Additionally, I will invest into subsistence farming of my own because my mother and myself are currently joining and the farm isn't producing much crops in that; it's not large.""
Beatrice's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Beatrice enrolled.
"I'm currently facing series of challenges but the most of all is the lack of finances and food shortage. Even though my husband and I engaged ourselves in to farming activities but the produce isn't always sufficient because of the animals, they are always disturbing our farm, animals like grass cutters and even the birds give us hard time on the farm, something that leads to low production."
Lucy's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Lucy enrolled.
"Those challenges I'm currently facing are, the issue of making farm every year, farming work is very hard, as such, it makes you look bad-off in appearance like an older person, so I really want to put cutlass down and start a small business, but no cash to do such. My next challenge has to do with the issue of buying land and building my house; the little money that we generate from our farming work isn't enough to feed the home, support the children in school, and start up a building project."
Marie's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Marie enrolled.
"Being a mother of two children dwelling in her father's house with her spouse is situation that I don't have control over , and this is so shameful as a woman because I should be living in my own house with my spouse as a responsible person. Having received this unconditional cash transfer from GiveDirectly, my spouse and I are going to undertake a construction that will accomudate our children including our future or in unborn children."