GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on buying two cows. I took one to my maternal home as dowry payment given that my husband passed on without doing so as tradition require of me. The other I am rearing. I am happy I have done this and fulfilled our traditions. I also added my stock. I sell secondhand clothes and now I do not have to work in people's farms to make ends meet for my family as I make profits from my business."
View Prisca's
7 years ago
received a $467 third payment.
"I am the second wife to my husband and we have troubles relating with my co wife one of the problems being that she blamed me of killing her daughter who had a long ailment and later died. This accusations was not sitting well with me so I decided to move my home and have my own compound to reduce the fighting and blaming and for this reason when I received my last transfer I used it to move out of her compound and build a house in my own compound. I also saved part of the last transfer money to VSL a savings Sacco so that when my daughter goes to school next year and will be boarding I would be able to afford the boarding fees and I also used part of the money to pay school fees for my son who joined a college in Kisumu studying a course to do with Human Rights."
View Mwanahawa's
7 years ago
received a $460 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on plastering our 3 room house that we build using second transfer , since housing was our most urgent need as we previously lived in a one -room house which leaked, yet we have children, but we had no financial ability until GD gave us support."
View Alice's
7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on paying school fees for my step son who is taking a course in electrical wiring. I am hopeful that he will finish his course and be self-reliant. The remaining I spent on food for my family consumes."
View Macy's
7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on relocating and building a house on our own compound as required by Luo traditions and customs.This is something that had been long overdue due to low finances,and I thank GD for making it at last a possibility in my life, I also bought a bag of corn for family consumption, utensils and a wall unit for 8,000 KES to help store the utensils hygienically."
View Eunice's
7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on plastering my 3 roomed house for 38,000 KES which we built using the second transfer since we always lived in a mud house, prone to gaping walls but we did not have money to make a better one until GD supported us."
View Paul's
7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on making stone blocks to complete the construction of our 6 roomed house , since our previous house was small and not very nice looking, and we always wanted a bigger and better house."
View Julia's
7 years ago
received a $467 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on buying a water pump that hire out to farmers for money. This gives me more income. I also use it to irrigate my farm. The remaining I spent on buying a sub woofer that I use to listen to music."
View Daniel's
7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"By the time I received my third transfer I had a child in school who owed the school a huge amount of fee. I used a larger portion of the third transfer to clear the fee balance so now he has ample time for his studies. My house was too squeezed to fit my large family so I also used part of the money to add one more room and now we have enough space."
View Eddah's
7 years ago
received a $232 third payment.
"I used part of my third transfer to buy a cow so that I'm able to get milk for consumption. Since all my in-laws have dairy cows I used to get embarrassed whenever my children asked why we are not taking milk tea while their cousins did, but now that I have a cow they are so proud and happy and they are taking good care of it. I opened a business with a portion of the money so now I'm not a housewife anymore and used part of the money to buy school attire for my children so that they go to school looking presentable."
View Zainabu's