GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I spent my third on buying building materials that I used to build a new kitchen. The one I had before was old and I had to build another one. I also bought a goat, but unfortunately it died. I am disappointed, but I do not regret buying it. The remaining I spent on buying a blanket as the one I had worn out and corn for my family consumes."
View Cornelia's
7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"When it rains in our area it always floods so this really affected us because the water would enter in the house and this meant sleeping in a house filled with water which was so uncomfortable and also the toilet would sink in so after every rain season we would dig and dig a new toilet. so when I received my transfers from the first to the last I used it to raise the floor of the house and plaster and I also built a standard toilet and permanent one this time."
View Emilly's
7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I had a drum door which was dangerous because it could cut my leg every time so I bought a wooden door to replace it. I bought two cows for rearing so that in future I would be get enough milk for consumption. I bought a few utensils to add to the ones I had. I also opened a small business so to keep me going."
View Nancy's
7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I bought both fishing net and fishing boat with the whole of my third transfer so I now have a source of income that can take care of my family unlike before when I had to help people out in order to feed my family. I'm happy I'm now independent and my living standard has improved too."
View Helen's
7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I paid school fee with a larger portion of my third transfer for my two children both in secondary and campus. They now have enough time for their studies because they are not sent back home for school fee anymore. I also boosted my business with part of the transfer and now my income has improved."
View Veronica's
7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I used the whole of my third transfer on opening a retail shop for my spouse so that she can also have something to keep her busy. We now have an additional source of income because I do fishing and the little I get out of it we bring together and use it to improve our lives."
View Erick's
7 years ago
received a $467 third payment.
"My husband had a surgery so he is not able to do hard jobs so for this reason when we received this last transfer we decided to get a second hand motorbike and because it was a second old one we took it for service and hired someone to operate it to help us in our daily income, so most of this last transfer was used to acquire the motorbike and the remaining cash we paid fees for our son who is in (baby class) kindergarten and another one in class 4."
View Josephine's
7 years ago
received a $467 third payment.
"I spent most of my third transfer on plastering my house which had become so old and ugly and produced a lot of dust which frequently affected our health. I also purchased a cow to help me begin livestock farming which I had longed for for years."
View Millicent's
7 years ago
received a $467 third payment.
"I spent a portion of my third transfer on paying school fee for my son in a medical college. Were it not for the transfers, I would not have managed to enroll the son to such a college. Other than that, I constructed a new spacious house to replace the tiny and leaking house that I possessed before. I am so happy for the changes that I have realized in my life, courtesy of GiveDirectly."
View Rosemary's
7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I had bought building materials using part of my second transfer to build a new house. Traditions had it that I had to build a new house given that my husband passed on in my old house. So, when I received my third transfer, I built the new house. The remaining I spent on paying school fees for my son in secondary school. He was not sent out of school for lack of school fees. He does not have any arrears either this whole year. Thank you."
View Jane's