GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Millicent's family
access_time 6 years ago
Millicent received a $538 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I have been able to meet the family's needs with a lot of ease and I no longer borrow money from neighbors. This is because I now have a business that provides daily income unlike in the previous case when I had to wait for six days before I could be paid for the work I did."
Mwalimu's family
access_time 6 years ago
Mwalimu received a $538 initial payment.
"I was happy to receive the first transfer from GiveDirectly, it was around 5.30 AM in the morning and I am grateful."
Harrison's family
access_time 6 years ago
Harrison received a $196 initial payment.
"I used most of my transfer to invest on a faster and a more reliable internet service because I am a freelance writer and my job mostly requires internet access. I also bought myself some personal items, foodstuff, then saved the remaining amount which I plan to add to the next transfer and start a new business which will probably be a movie shop for more income generation ."
Rehema's family
access_time 6 years ago
Rehema enrolled.
"Financial constraint as a result of poor income is my biggest hardship. This affects our ability to meet family needs especially food, medical and housing expenses for my husband. In December 2017, I suffered from dengue fever but I could only raise 300 shillings at the hospital and my bill was 600 shillings. Besides this, sometimes we are forced to go without food for two consecutive days. My husband is also unable to raise his house rent of 1700 shillings in time, a situation that rendered him homeless for 5 months after the landlord locked his room. In this regard, we struggle so much to sustain the family."
Benter's family
access_time 6 years ago
Benter enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face is living in a bad conditioned house. Since we live in a plain area, we are often adversely affected by the floods which makes our house extremely inhabitable. This condition has often led to massive destruction of our property hence subjecting us to constant suffering."
Hokings's family
access_time 6 years ago
Hokings enrolled.
"The biggest hardship is that during wet seasons like these we have not much work in the farms. We work and at times not paid with promises for the following day. This causes my family to miss meal."
Fredrick's family
access_time 6 years ago
Fredrick enrolled.
"This money means that I will be able to build a new house. Building a new house is of great priority because my mother was a second wife and my step mother refused the Givedirectly program and sent us away from her home, that is why I relocated to this little shelter which I must use the cash transfer to build a new house. I had to send my wife back to her parents because the weather condition in this current house would affect the health of our child. I will set aside part of the transfer to buy some cows that shall eventually produce milk for the family."
Rose's family
access_time 6 years ago
Rose enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face in my life is the inability to provide meals for my family members. My husband and I depend on unreliable casual labour which are poorly paid. In addition, we never had adequate harvest in the previous season since our crops were destroyed by flood leaving us in a state of desperation."
Matilda's family
access_time 6 years ago
Matilda received a $535 initial payment.
"The message came as a surprise and I had to wake my daughter up to try and read since I never attended any school when I was young and could not read, unfortunately we were not able to nevigate the phone menu to the massages section which made me lose that hope of knowing what the message had to convey at that moment. since I was preparing to get to my daily routine in the farm, I left my daughter with the phone who later came running and shouting that he had finally made to access the message and that it was from GiveDirectly. On asking what the message was all about, she could say nothing but "money". I droped the hoe I was using in the farm and in that celebratory mood I joinned my daughter as we run back home. This was a really the happiest day in my life since we were filled with lots of joy."
Caroline's family
access_time 6 years ago
Caroline received a $535 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is the peace and pride I have for owning a home for the first time in my life. It has always been tough and challenging staying in my late mothers-in-law house. Finally, I can afford a peaceful sleep and I can walk with my head up like other fellow women since the pride of every woman is to own a home."