GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Stella's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Stella enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I am faced with is lack of land for cultivation. I shared the only piece of land that I had among my children. What I am left with is too small to sustain the needs of my household. It is the reason I have always had food shortage in my household. "
Joyce's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Joyce enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I am faced with is lack of land for cultivation. Paying school fees, feeding and generally the maintenance of a household would have been made easier if I had land. I hire land to cultivate and sometimes do casual labour to provide for the family. This is very inconviniencing and less productive."
Mary's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Mary received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"I expect my life to change in the next six months in that I will be having a new house and a cow. After finishing building a new house, I want to buy a cow as an investment for my family. I know when it reproduces I will have a herd which is a symbol of wealth in my life. I would want to coninue about improving my life."
Gladice's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Gladice received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"In the next six months, I plan to save the money to buy a motorcycle which my grandson will use for the motorcycle business. I would not want him to sit at home doing nothing yet I do not have any income to help us in life. I would want him to have an economic engagement to develop his life."
Mark's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Mark received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"I expect my life to change in the next six months in that I will have started the poultry project. I want to use part of my monthly transfers to buy chicken bit by bit until I have the required number for the project. I know through this, my life will never be the same again."
Joseph's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Joseph received a $22 sixteenth payment.
"I expect my life to change in the next six months in that my family will be feeding well. I am also hoping that I will have a plentiful harvest of potatoes and onions. I will sell them and use the money to buy a dairy cow. Investing in dairy farming has always been my prayer as it will enable me to cut the cost of buying milk daily."
Millicent's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Millicent received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"In the next six months, I expect to have saved enough money to purchase enough decent seats for my family. Currently, I only have one seat which barely fits my large family thus my children are forced to sit on the ground. Thereafter, I'll save some money so that I can add more utensils to the few that I have currently."
Grace's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Grace received a $22 sixteenth payment.
"I believe in the next six months I will have bought at least two sheep. Saving my monthly income with the intention of buying these sheep will be helpful to me. I know I will have accumulated enough money to buy at least three sheep to start with. Owning them will assure me that in case of uncertainties I will be able to handle the situation with ease by selling them at a higher price."
Joshua's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Joshua received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"Currently, I have a clay house but it's so dusty. This has resulted in frequent respiratory infections in my family. Therefore, in the next six months, I hope I will have saved enough money to purchase cement and sand which I'll use to plaster the house. This will reduce the amount of dust in the house."
Mikitaberi's family
access_time over 5 years ago
Mikitaberi enrolled.
"Receiving this money means that I will spend it for my treatment. Iam currently being diagonise of pressure and also my ball and socket borne got broken after an accident. I did not get an operation due to lack of money, so Iam forced to bear all that pain. I feel Givedirectly money is a bless since I may easily walk after treatment."