GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 years ago
received a $521 second payment.
"My life is different from how it was in that, my business has grown after boosting it with part of the first and the second transfer which I got from GiveDirectly. The future is also bright for my children's education. I no longer strain like before because my income has since increased. I also have a few dairy cows and I can decide to sell milk so as to get money or even the young ones later in order to settle their high school fees."
View Raphael's
5 years ago
received a $450 second payment.
"My life has improved because I paid off the debt which was burdening me thus I have repossessed my farm land. I will cultivate next season because the person I owed has not yet harvested his crops. In addition, I can afford to sleep well on a better mattress as opposed when I slept on torn mattress and never had farm land."
View Scovia's
5 years ago
received a $450 second payment.
"My life has changed because through these cash transfers, I was able to add capital to my local brew business and it is now booming. On a daily basis I can get over fifty customers and get a profit of sixty thousand shillings compared to previously when I could brew only twice a week because I could only satisfy a few customers. In addition, I have bought all building materials and I will start to build on Friday this week. I plan to use part of the profits from the local brew business to pay for the construction labour."
View Norah's
5 years ago
received a $521 second payment.
"One thing that I am proud of the most is the fact that I now have my own piece of land. I am currently building a house and once done, I will relocate and live here. I will have the freedom to do various activities such as farming unlike where I am currently living where there is limited space to farm. I also have a running restaurant business courtesy of these transfers. Before these transfers. I had an idea of starting this business but since I did not have any capital to start up, I couldn't. Receiving these transfers has challenged me to be industrious and hardworking."
View Korir's
5 years ago
"The biggest hardship that I am faced with is inadequacy of money to fully meet the education needs of my children. My husband is a soldier who earns salary but this is not enough to take care of the need. Sometimes my children are sent out of school for failure to fulfil the requirement which makes them miss a lot in class. I atribute their poor performance to this."
View Annet's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I will be able to buy oxen that will support in cultivatin. This can improve food production in my home making it easier for me to feed my family. Selling part of the harvest so as to solve other household needs will also be made easier since I will be having enough to take care of the family. "
View Maculate's
5 years ago
received a $450 second payment.
"My life is different now in that soon, I will start building my permanet house and move out of the leaking and falling grass thatched house.
Secondly, my health has greatly improved as I am now able to afford medication compared to before when I could be bed ridden for a longer period of time without money to take me to hospital. "
View Esther's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I can buy livestock and household items. I currently don't have any investment for my children so buying livestock will in away be a financial insurance for their future."
View Jannet's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I can buy livestock and pay off the loan. I haven't yet finished paying my wife's bride price so this livestock would help in that."
View Stephen's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money means owning two oxen and two cows. The oxen will support in ploughing land while the cows will be an investment for the household, a source of milk and income for meeting other household needs like treatment.
It's a challenge to plough land because I do not own any oxen and any investment at household level."
View Peter's