GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Stanley's family
access_time 5 years ago
Stanley enrolled.
"Owning oxen is what receiving this money means to me. The oxen will support in ploughing and some times, I can plough in people's gardens in exchange for money that will be income for the household. I will also be able to buy household items like bedding in order to improve on our livingstandard. I own a small mattress that does not give any comfort at all. This is the reason I am thinking about it."
Margaret's family
access_time 5 years ago
Margaret enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face is sickness. I have urlers that take alot of money for their treatment and as such my household is poverished. This is because it's hard to save any money for providing other basic needs."
Joyce's family
access_time 5 years ago
Joyce enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face is inadequate income at household level. I am sickly and the little money that I earn through farming will be spent on treatment leaving the household with no funds in case of any emergency. I can not pay echo fees for my children because what ever we had is spent on treatment leading to poor grades."
William's family
access_time 5 years ago
William enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face is inadequate money for carrying out farming yet this is my source of earning. I plant late because of borrowing labour like oxen and this has always resulted in to poor crop production. I have therefore fail ed to sustain most of my household needs."
Alice's family
access_time 5 years ago
Alice enrolled.
"Receiving this money means I can buy a cow and household items such as mattress, a bed, beddings and utensils."
Judith's family
access_time 5 years ago
Judith enrolled.
"Receiving this money means I can buy oxen, beddings and clothes. I don't have oxen to plough my farm land and also have shortage in my household items."
Hellen's family
access_time 5 years ago
Hellen enrolled.
"I will spend this money for completing my iron-roofed house. I have been sleeping in a house with a rough floor, unplastered walls and poor ventilation since windors are lacking. Givedirectly transfers will enable have adesent accomadation since Iam going to fix whatever was missing in my house."
John's family
access_time 5 years ago
John enrolled.
"Receiving this money means that I will be able to buy oxen and ox-plough for ploughing. Iam currently struggling to borrowing hired labour for cutlivation. This always slowed down planting period and has resulted to low harvests in my household. I will be carry out earlier ploughing and thus plant ing after owning oxen. This will help in catching up with earlier rains, which may lead to increase crop production. These produce I will be selling some to raise money for Educating my children."
Simon's family
access_time 5 years ago
Simon enrolled.
"The hardship I have faced is lack of oxen to plough my own land. During every planting season, I only get an opportunity to plough my land late in the season since oxen are not easily available for hire early in the season. This inturn affects my crop production hence famine in a long run "
David's family
access_time 5 years ago
David enrolled.
"For the past seven years,I have not had a good maize harvest.Maize is our staple food and it is what my family depends on.There has been maize crop disease that has wiped out the crop year in year out.This has exposed my young children to hunger.To avoid this,I have had to do casual jobs in people's farms .However much I try,the money I earn is never enough to feed my family of six.This is the biggest hardship I have faced."