GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 years ago
received a $524 second payment.
"After my spouse enrolled to school to further his education . We had to cut cost on expenditures meaning paying school fees for my two children who were in secondary school was difficult because entirely our household depends on my husband's salary who is a teacher. Therefore , at times , we had to compromised paying school fees for the children over my spouse's education . My life is different than it would have been if I never received these transfers because I have been able to pay school fees for my children for the whole term with GiveDirectly's transfers . As a result , they haven't been sent home for school fees and through their consistency in attendance, they have shown a slight improvement on their performance ."
View Sarah's
5 years ago
received a $542 initial payment.
"I was awaken by an ring sound for a message notification on my phone . I decided to check it out to confirm the content of the message if it could have been an urgent information . Upon reading it , I felt very happy since GiveDirectly had sent me money . Before , with the intense enrollment process I was doubtful that I would succeed as one of the beneficiaries . After notifying my husband we planned and withdrew the money two days after ."
View Saumu's
5 years ago
received a $524 second payment.
"My life is different from how it was in that, it is my first time to own a cow. This has made me relate well to my neighbors. They used to deny me milk even when they had it in plenty due to their selfish reasons. I always thought they should consider people like me who did not have cows. I am happy I own one I will always subsidize the prices to the less privileged. I also feel good because I no longer waste a lot of time going from one homestead to another comparing price to check whether I can find someone who can sell milk to me at a lower price. I now have enough time to do other household chores."
View Chepngetich's
5 years ago
received a $524 second payment.
"Having a decent wooden house is the best change and gift I have received through GiveDirectly's support . With this house ,it has bonded as more because we have dinner together where we check on each other .At the same time , staying in a clean environment has reduced hospital expenses unlike before where we were living in a dusty mud house which caused frequent visits to the hospital in relation to untidy environments . Secondly , I now have a dairy cow that I never knew I could afford .Thanks GiveDirectly ."
View Joyce's
5 years ago
received a $524 second payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if I never received the transfer in that I am certain of access to clean water in my household since I have been able to purchase 5000 Litters water tank . At the moment is its raining in my region and I am harvesting water . Therefore , the struggle of walking to long distance in search of water in dry season because we live in an area where the climate is harsh and on such times with the water shortage at hand and rationing of water. I felt very disappointed after taking a far walk and all I would afford to get is a Jerry can . Its with joy that this challenges are behind me now . Secondly , in the foreseen future, I will no longer incur expenses of buying milk from my neighbors but rather I will get it from my dairy cow that I had bought with the first transfer ."
View Chepkirui's
5 years ago
received a $523 second payment.
"My life is different from how it was before I started receiving the transfer from GiveDirectly. Nowadays I worry less. Through the transfers, I have been able to meet most of my needs. I managed to invest in farming. I am proud to say we are almost harvesting and this time, the products are healthy since I bought all the required farm inputs. I will definitely get a bumper harvest because everything was done on time. In addition to that, I also bought a few goats. The goats will come in handy since I can decide to sell them in case of an emergency. Apart from that, I am also living in a decent house. I attribute all these achievements to GiveDirectly."
View Rose's
5 years ago
received a $524 second payment.
"For the last three years, most of my income has been focus on pay my college fees and because of my meager income balancing my household needs and paying school fees was a challenge and the only solution by then was to borrow from friends and neighbors who got tired of helping out because I could not settle their debts on time . I am glad that with GiveDirectly's transfer it has lighten some of my burden since the last two semester, I was able to pay college fees on time without borrowing money from anyone . I also bought a dairy cow , therefore , I have cut costs of buying milk from neighbors like I did before ."
View Erick's
5 years ago
received a $524 second payment.
"Standing in front of my decent timber walled house is a life changer because my family is able to stay in a clean environment. I have also saved up money which I used to incur in maintaining my previous mud house after every three months to provide basic needs for my family . I feel that I fit in my society since I own a house like theirs ."
View Chepngetich's
5 years ago
received a $524 second payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that I now own livestock. I managed to buy two sheep and young dairy cows since I have always admired to have such in my homesteads unfortunately the meager income from doing casual jobs around the village made the dream not attainable . I feel good and appreciated because finally, I got the chance to have livestock like the rest of the village members ."
View Chelangat's
5 years ago
received a $39 twelfth payment.
"I spent part of my transfer on purchasing two pieces of iron sheets. I have started building a house back at home but it is yet to be completed. When I was enrolled in the program, I was very happy and knew that I was going to have a house. Most of the time when I went home, I could sleep at my grandmother's house. This has always been embarrassing. I will be finish building this house probably in the month of March next year. I attribute this success to GiveDrectly since were it not for them, I do not think if I would even start this kind of project. I also bought nails for the same project and clothes for my children and I. The remaining amount was spent on food."
View Elias's