GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
received a $331 second payment.
"I bought ironsheets, matress, goat and food including school uniforms"
View Patuma's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well by giving out financial aid so that one can decide how to spend them and I do not see anything that they do not do well."
View Anna's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"When I received my transfer, I spent the all amount to continue building a house for my family as we had already started building it using our first transfers. When GiveDirectly promised to give us some cash, we decided to build a spacious house whose walls are made of timber instead of clay as it is a bit permanent. I am now glad that even though we were not able cement the floor, it has reduced the hustle if buying clay every now and then to use in dusting the walls."
View Joyce's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"When I received my transfers, I spent KES 40000 to purchase a dairy cow and two goats. We settled on this since buying milk had been our routine. Due to this, we were at times forced to take tea without milk whenever we did not have money. I am glad that the dairy cow has calved and my spouse nowadays earn earn an average of KES 80 a day. With this money, she is able to buy some basic needs for our family. Also, I spent around KES 8000 to build a poultry house. We decided on this so that it will improve sanitation in our kitchen where it used to double as a sleeping place for my pouktry. On the remaining amount, I bought some food to last my family for some time."
View Kipkemoi's
over 3 years ago
received a $510 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well by helping everyone in the village financially and I do not see anything that they do not do well."
View Winny's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well becasue the money was sent directly into my mobile phone and allowed me to choose what to buy. There were no restrictions at all provided the money is being used appropriately so that we can change our lives positively. I do not see any part that GD failed us so far."
View Tsuheni's
over 3 years ago
received a $510 second payment.
"My life is different from how it would have been because I am hopeful and happier than before. From the oxen that I purchased from the transfers, I can plough my farm in time without straining. Previously, I was always on my bare hands for the exercise and it was tiresome. In addition, I could only plough a small portion of my farm which means the yields were also low. I am now glad because I have a permanent solution fr this. I will also hire the pair to my friends at a fee and earn a living. In addition to that, the house that I managed to construct has also brought joy to my life greatly. This is because the previous one was very small and I never had a chance to stay with all my family members. The story is different now because the new house has united us and strengthen our love than before."
View Kadzo's
over 3 years ago
"I am very happy for so long I have envied beautiful house in our village. To find ways to have mine was an issue due to limited access to funds and this opportunity is bringing light to my long waiting dream."
View Niya's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"In my opinions, GiveDirectly has done well for sending me the cash transfer which has supported me in getting my result and starting my ECD Course. I don't see anything wrong with the program."
View Halima's
over 3 years ago
"I have lived in this village for many years but I have never received nor made this amount of money on my own. As a family that only relies on farming for survival, it is on very rare circumstances where we manage to have an amount of money to use for other activities. This is so as we rarely harvest enough to keep and also sell some for money. Now this money will help us make our dreams come true. We would like to have a better house of our own, adequate food and fertilizer as well as good household items.
I believe people in the community will be happy too as many were struggling to have money and do anything they would want as long as its for their families."
View Charles's