GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Mphatso's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Mphatso enrolled.
"Iam a medical doctor who is looking for funds to boost my career."
Kadzo's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Kadzo received a $493 second payment.
"I spent part of my second transfer on buying some building materials such as pieces timber and nails. I purchased all these intending to complete my house which I was in the process of using the first transfers. Also the mason KES 8000 for his labor. Also, I used KES 20000 of the transfers for my son who is high school boarding. With the remaining amount of money, I bought three KES 6000 as the potential living assets that I can lean on. With the remaining money I bought sufficient food for the family that would at least last us for weeks"
Kadzo's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Kadzo received a $493 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly is do well for sending me cash transfers. I was stranded on what I could do to educate my child. I don't see anything that it not doing well. I am grateful for the aid."
Charo's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Charo received a $493 second payment.
"I spent my second transfer on purchasing one dairy cow for $230, this is my future investment for my family it will be able to assist me whenever I face any financial crisis in my life. Once it reproduces I will be able to sell the offspring. I also educate my 3 siblings who are still in primary school by paying their school fees. Furthermore, I send $100 to complete the construction of my house by purchasing nails and paying labour costs. The remaining amount assisted in purchasing clothes for everyone in my family and bought enough food for my family."
Dama's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Dama received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if I had never received the transfer. My life has been empowered. Through the transfer, I was able to acquire livestock this is something that I rely on when I face any challenge in my life. In addition, I was able to clear the fee balances for my children and even paid for the next two terms. By doing so, they are now able to learn without their studies interrupted by lack of fees. I also have enough food for my family since stocked enough foodstuffs which will take me up to the end of July. With my job of charcoal vending, I will be able to save some amount which will assist me in other basic needs like clothing."
Joseph's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Joseph received a $493 second payment.
"With the current standard of living in our household, I am glad that there are quite great differences registered which would not have been there without the transfer. It was a breakthrough over many milestones. I managed to complete the construction which had been on a halt for one full year, paid school fees which relieved me of the great pressure I had over the few sources of income I had and gave me a chance o plan ahead as I have some time to figure out how I will maintain the current projects."
Chepkemoi's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Chepkemoi received a $493 second payment.
"From the great struggles I had before receiving the transfers to the current status, it is clear that the transfer made a big difference in my life. I appreciate the differences in various sectors I invested in right from the construction of a new house, obtaining a cow, settling all debts I had, and also paying school fees which would not have been possible had I not received the transfer. My children are now eating well with enough milk to use in our household."
Neema's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Neema received a $493 second payment.
"I spent part of my second transfer on building materials such as iron sheteets, nails, building poles and timber. I had intended to construct two new houses for my children since the previous one could not accommodate us all. Therefore they were forced to seek shelter at their friend's houses. Also, I paid mason his labour charge of KES 6000. I then cleared school fees for my children who are in primary schools. The remaining amount of money, I bought sufficient foodstuffs for my family."
Limbire's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Limbire enrolled.
"It has meant development for my household and am very happy for this"
Hawa's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Hawa enrolled.
"Not being able to find enough food for my family"