GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
"not having a house because it has fallen down was the biggest hardship ever."
View Esnart's
over 3 years ago
"I was diagnosed with a tumour, such that I was down with the sickness for three consecutive years. I could have been somewhere if not for the disease"
View Mbela's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money will help me renovate my old house since it is grass thatched and would want to put an iron sheet roofed house. I also intend to use the money purchasing fertilizers so that I harvest enough yields next year"
View Austen's
over 3 years ago
"I have always wanted to expand my business but lacked the financial means to do so...With the coming in of GD I believe I will now be able to do just that"
View Rabecca's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"When I received my transfer, I spent KES 30000 to buy a dairy cow. With this, I am assured of a source of income when it starts to reproduce. Owning this cow will also help me save the money I would otherwise use in buying milk. Also, I purchased three three-seater seats and two tables worth KES 12000. After building a spacious house for my family using my first transfer, I realized that my sitting room was more spacious and I had only one seat. This made me to purchase more seats and tables in order to avoid the shame of having a bigger room with nothing to sit on. I spent the remaining amount on food and clothing."
View Brenda's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been had I not received the transfer. This is because I have an addition of a dairy cow and this is an assurance to me of an increase in income. Also, having a water tank is an achievement to my family and has brought a lot of happiness to my children. This is because they now have enough time to study in the evening after school as they no longer go to the stream in search of clean water."
View Korir's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been had I not received the transfer because I have been able to buy a piece land. This land will come in handy in reducing our daily expenditure since I have started farming it. I am glad that this year will be a year of change since I will not buy maize flour daily like I am used to. Before buying buying this piece of land, I used to buy maize throughout the year since the piece of land that I was given by my father is small and one cannot practice any farming activity in it."
View Gilbert's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well in their operations as they are transparent and I do not see anything that they do not do well."
View Kiplangat's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well by giving out financial aid to people and I do not see anything that they do not do well."
View Amos's
over 3 years ago
"Imagine a family of 5 living in a one-roomed grass thatched old house that leaks in water during rainy seasons! This is the current situation in my home. I pity my children who always have to study in a dumpy house full of smoke. My two sons are at a teenage age and culture has it that teens are not supposed to live under the same roof with their parents due to privacy reasons. They face ridicule from their friends which lowers their self esteem, yet there is nothing much I can do to recoup the situation. This is the biggest hardship I face."
View Rose's