GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectoy does well because I am now a changed person through them. First, they did well by helping me financially because this made it easier for me to plan on what I was lacking in my household and buy. Unlike the other organizations which send the items eg foodstuffs among others. Actually, this is the best organization so far."
View Silika's
over 3 years ago
"My biggest hardship at the moment is the lack of safe drinking water. I fetch water from a river 4 kilometres away and this is not clean water. I am worried that we may contract waterborne diseases and so I have been praying that I get finances to build an iron sheet roofed house so that we can use rain water because it is safer as compared to the river water."
View Julius's
over 3 years ago
"Lack of finances is my biggest worry at the moment. My son is about to join secondary school and I was worried that I may not raise all the fees that is needed. Being a housewife, I rely on my husband's tailoring business so that we can give our children basic needs. On average, my husband earns approximately Shs 400 daily. I have managed to join various saving groups where I contribute SHS 200 daily. This has so far enabled me to educate my children. I am very happy now that GiveDirectly has come to my village and I know that I am going to receive some financial assistance. Thank you GiveDirectly for coming at the right time."
View Mercy's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different than how it would have been becasue of the goats that I purchase through the transfers. I settled in buying them becasue goats normally reproduce twice a year and their offsprings mature very faster compared to the other domestic animals. Apart from that, they require minimal supervision ad their paster is readily available. Currently, some have started reproducing which makes me hopeful and happier becasue soon I will have many of them and start other projects through them. Also, I am now healthier and happy becasue I sleep in a better wooden bed courtesy of GiveDirectly"
View Bendera's
over 3 years ago
"The house leaks during rainy season which makes us to sleep uncomfortably."
View Hawa's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money really means so much to me i know this money comes from well wishers who wants nothing but a better life for people like us,so to me basically is being given a chance to handle a fixed amount and make life changing decisions that is if you are capable to do that."
View Patuma's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"My life is different from how it would have been becasue I managed to buy an o pair of oxen which has been my desire but I could not afford on using my own cash. This is becasue of the poverty life that stricken my household, the little I earned from my household was only to sustain my family's daily bread. Through the pair, I will be able to prepare my farm on time and even hire friends and generate an income. Also, the house that was constructed has brought joy to our lives at large. Previously my children used to sleep at my neighbor's house becasue our hose house was very small. However, after receiving the money, I opted to construct another purposely for my children to shelter on. All is well now becasue they no longer have to travel from one village to the other seeking shelter. Also with the beddings at least, I am now sleeping comfortably without any pains like I used when I was using mats as beddings."
View Furaha's
over 3 years ago
"My husband was born in a family of twelve and eight of them are boys. All of them are grown ups with their families and they opt to stay on their father's land. After subdivision was done, each one of them received less than an eighth of an acre. This size could only accommodate our house and a small compound. There is no room for having a farm to cultivate crops and as a result, I am forced to buy everything that I could have otherwise planted on my farm had it been there. With no regular source of income, buying all the foodstuff is taking a toil on us and this sums up the biggest hardship that I have ever experienced."
View Daisy's
over 3 years ago
received a $493 second payment.
"My life has transformed positively ever since I started receiving cash transfers from GiveDirectly. I have started enjoying the benefits of the pair of oxen that I purchased especially in my agricultural activities. I am now able to utilize my whole farm with the help of the bulls and also prepare my farm on time. This assures me of plentiful harvests which will finally finish the scourge of famine in my household. Also when the goats reproduce and multiply I will be in a position to sell any of the matured offsprings and sort out any emergency such as sickness or even settling bills."
View Dama's
over 3 years ago
"I am over excited that I have been enrolled in this programme. I plan on using my funds to buy beddings food and also cement so that I plaster my house"
View Mariam's