GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Simon's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Simon received a $493 second payment.
"I depend on motorbike taxi as my reliable source of income. The motorbike that I was using then had mechanical problems which need to be maintained often which is very costly. with these challenges, I decided to sell it out and added the amount I got with my second transfer to purchase a new motorbike. My taxi job has now improved since I no longer spend more money on repairing my motorbike. In addition, my earning have raised hence able to meet my household necessities without much struggle."
Kadzo's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Kadzo received a $493 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well the whole of the exercise. There was transparency in all the stages that I went through before I recived the money and I was pleased. Also, I was offered enough teachings in regards to the transfers usage and how to safely keep the money. I do not any sector that the organization needs to change."
Patuma's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Patuma enrolled.
"It has meant ending some of my problems through the money that I will get"
Mina's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Mina enrolled.
"It has meant great help for my family am so glad to be part of the program"
Chika's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Chika enrolled.
"It has meant receiving development for my family and I plan on renovating my house"
Jescar's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Jescar enrolled.
"I sell firewood for a living. Twice a week, I walk several kilometers with my 2 donkeys from early in the morning till late in the evening. This enables me to earn an income of $6 a week. With a myriad of household necessities, my income only sustains my family with food leaving me with barely nothing to take my children to school. Consequently, my 25 year-old son dropped out of college since I could no longer afford his expensive education. This predicament shattered my hopes because I had high hopes that he would graduate, get a job and give me a hand in sponsoring his 2 younger siblings. This is the biggest hardship I have faced."
Lilian's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Lilian enrolled.
"Receiving this money is a big boost for me because I will use approximately 15000 to build a better house for my family. KSHS 30000 will enable me to buy a dairy cow and KSHS 10000 will be used in paying school fees for my 5 children who are primary school. This is a one time opportunity that I want to use wisely so that I can bring about change in our livelihood."
Alice's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Alice enrolled.
"I dropped out of formal education in class 6 and I have always desired that I educate my children to the highest level possible. I have a passion for education and as such, receiving this money will enable me to pay school fees for my 3 children. I believe that our lives will change when we give the best education to our children."
Joyce's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Joyce enrolled.
"Lack of finances is my biggest hardship at the moment. I have to look for casual labor so that I can educate and feed my family of 9. I am worried that some of my children will not complete their education because my husband is the sole provider and he earns 5000 shillings every month. This amount is not enough for us to feed and educate all the seven children. As a result, my eldest daughter had to drop out of her studies so that her siblings can also get some formal education."
Mina's family
access_time over 3 years ago
Mina enrolled.
"Receiving this money is an honour because i never expected to be considered. I will make sure that i have enough food for my family now"