GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
"Being a mother of 9 children and having a responsibility to see that all are educated has been a tall order to me since I have to play both roles of being a mother and a dad, when my husband is not with us, I have two children who are still in school and one who wants to join college, the farming which we depend on have always demoralized us because of poor weather conditions. As I age I nolonger have energy to smear my house with mud that I have to travel long distance to get it."
View Hellen's
over 3 years ago
"Since I lost my husband who was our bread winner at all times,life has not been easy in raising my children in school and providing them with basic needs. I had to go an extra mile and started tailoring business in a nearby center, whatever little I get from the business get depleted as the needs from my home are overwhelming to me. I always struggle so hard to make the ends meet to my family."
View Joyce's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money will mean a lot. I am a barber at Kabuson shopping centre. That's the business that I do daily. With the transfer, I will use KES 25,000 to expand it so that I can have a salon in that space. I will use KES 45,000 to construct a kitchen since I use the main house as the kitchen and also sleeping area. This is uncomfortable since I have a little baby and the smoke that comes from the kitchen is not good for the baby. I will use the rest of the amount to buy a cow because it is costly to buy milk."
View Benard's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship I have faced is food security. Our land is less productive, look even at the maize that I planted in June, I will not harvest anything! I do not own a cow that can provide us with milk. We are casual laborers and with the amount that we get, it's hard for us to buy enough food for our family."
View Hellen's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship I have ever faced in my life is food insecurity. I am a housewife and my husband depends on a casual Labor-charcoal burning business which earns him very little. Due to this, I have been struggling to put food on the table.Sometimes, I am forced to borrow from neighbors, something that is embarrassing."
View Nzingo's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship in my life is the loss of my husband, 11 years ago. He was the pillar of my family. Since then I have been struggling alone to raise my children and put them through school. Being a peasant farmer depending heavily on farm produce, I'm left with less to improve our livelihood. We live hand to mouth, I haven't bought any asset of my own."
View Grace's
over 3 years ago
"The biggest hardship has been a lack of finances. I operate a small Mpesa Shop, which gives me KES 7000 per month. This amount is too little considering I'm the sole provider in my family. It usually goes to meeting basic needs. I'm not able to save up which has made me lag in terms of development."
View Sheila's
over 3 years ago
"I have always wanted to venture into poultry farming but due to lack of finances, this has not been possible. I love it because it is a way of employing yourself and it does not require a lot of space. To start off this journey, I plan to buy 20 chicken each costing KES 450. I also plan to spend an extra KES 10000 to build a nice structure for the same. Out of this business, I am certain that I will collect not less than 15 eggs per day which I will then sell at KES 15 at our local market. Receiving this money will mean a lot to me as it will help actualize my dream."
View Annah's
over 3 years ago
"Good shelter for my family has always been my priority but lack of money has been a hindrance. Receiving this money therefore means I can now fulfill that. I plan to use 300 USD to build a two roomed house. This will help accommodate my family of two children and visitors as well."
View Mary's
over 3 years ago
"Financial constraints has been a big challenge given the many family needs. I depend on my husband who does small businesses in town like hawking water and food stuffs. At the end of the day, what he gets is not enough to satisfy all needs. Basic needs like food together with school fees and medical emergencies have been the biggest challenges. Lack of money to satisfy the family's needs is the biggest hardship in my life."
View Margaret's