GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money means a reliable source of income to my household which is as of now is experiencing many difficulties. I have desired to start a shop business but due to financial crisis, this has never been possible. With the cash grant from GiveDirectly, I am very positive about realizing my dream since I intend to use a better portion of my first transfer ($400) to ensure this comes through. Part of my transfers will help me to buy 7 goats for $40 each, which will be my store of wealth to support my children's education in the future. The remaining amount will help me to sustain my other household needs like food and nice beddings."
View Samala's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money means self employment and food security for me. I am planning to complete my tailoring course which will cost us 20,000 Kenyan shillings. I will use a total of 50,000 Kenyan shillings to start my own tailoring business. This includes buying sewing machines, clothes and rent the premises for the business. Due to how laborious land cultivation is in this area, we are also planning to use 30,000 to buy a pair of cows and 10,000 Kenyan shillings to buy an ox drawn plough. This will enable us prepare our land in good time and in the shortest time possible hence getting land produce of high quality and quantity."
View Priscillar's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money means proper medication. I have been suffering from chronic ulcers since last year but due to financial instability, I was not able to seek medication from referral hospitals. I intend to spend 40,000 shillings for the treatment this also includes other expenses like transport. I believe that this problem will come to an end and be able to perform my work and provide for my family basic needs. Other than that, I am planning to spend the remaining amount to invest on livestock which is a long time invest and will generate income for my family."
View Kadzo's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money means taking my child to college. My firstborn completed secondary school level 2 years ago and scored an average grade. Her ambition since she was young has been to become a teacher, but due to financial challenges, this dream has never been fulfilled. To achieve this, I intend to spend 60,000 shillings to pay for the whole year so that she can study with ease. I believe that later she will be employed and support us. Other than that, I am planning to spend the remaining transfer to practice livestock keeping with the hope that they are going to multiple and sell them in case I fail to raise school fees."
View Pola's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money means building a business house. This has been my dream for 4 years but due to financial instability, it has never come to pass. I intend to spend 70,000 shillings to construct a semi-permanent house of 4 rooms at our center and rent it to students and teachers who leave closely. This is going to generate income for my family of 4 members. I will be collecting 4000 shillings every month which is enough to sustain all our basic needs such as food. Also, I plan to invest the remaining amount in livestock."
View Janet's
over 3 years ago
"I am a charcoal vendor, a job that is tiresome and time-consuming yet its income is very little such that it cannot fully support the needs of the family. Sometimes we skip meals or borrow from my relatives something that never gives me peace since I usually feel ashamed. Therefore I can consider the lack of a reliable source of income as the hardship that I have ever faced in my life."
View Katsele's
over 3 years ago
"Receiving this money means a reliable source for my household. Currently, I am a charcoal vendor, a very tiresome job, and earn little income of $60 per month. This amount cannot fully sustain the household needs. I am planning to spend $400 on my first transfer to start a livestock business. With this business, I am assured of a profit of $50 per week. The remaining amount of my first transfer will help me to cater to household needs like food. My second transfer will help me to clear school fees for my children in secondary school so that they cannot be sent back home to collect school fees, this will improve their performance in school."
View Kabibi's
over 3 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"My son who doubles as my helper was with me the time I received an mpesa confirmation message indicating that I had received transfers from GiveDirectly. I became so happy as I knew that I would finally be able to fulfill my goal of cementing the floor of my house. This is because I am usually forced to sleep in my son's house whenever it rains as water usually seeps in through the floor hence flooding it."
View Elizabeth's
over 3 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"Ever since I received my transfers, my life has not been the same again as I have been able to save the money I get from my daily hustles. So far, I have saved $ 38. This has been possible since I was able to purchase three sacks of maize and other household necessities for my family using my transfers thus saving me the struggles of purchasing them on a daily basis. I am planning to add this savings to my second transfer and use it to purchase a dairy cow. By doing so, I will be able to save the money I would otherwise use in buying milk. In addition, I will earn some income through the sell of surplus."
View Nicholas's
over 3 years ago
received a $502 initial payment.
"Before GiveDirectly came for enrollment, I had so many goals that I had not been able to achieve due to lack of funds. First, my aim was to build a more decent kitchen for my family. This is because the one we had was always leaking during the rainy season. My transfers enabled me to build a more spacious iron-roofed kitchen and due to this, I no longer have worry about being rained on while cooking. This has made my daily life different as I do not have to hurry preparing meals whenever I see that it is almost raining."
View Mercy's