GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Nyirabagenzi's family
access_time 2 years ago
Nyirabagenzi enrolled.
"Not having a proper shelter to live in is my greatest challenge because when we are in a rainy season i struggle a lot as the rain reaches inside the house, and I don't have my own land to cultivate in which requires me to work for others daily in other to get food. Living alone is harder for me , as I have separated with my husband 25 years ago and i was not able to re marry again and I don't live with my 3 children because i can't be able to provide for them. My 2 kids currently live with their grandparents and the third lives with my neighbour who saw me struggle to get food to eat and offered to help out by raising her."
Nyiranteziryayo's family
access_time 2 years ago
Nyiranteziryayo enrolled.
"I live by working for others in order to get food for me and my 3 children which is challenging and I don't have enough land of my own to produce enough for our survival. It requires me to work harder every day as i have to always work for others in the morning and then try to rent a small land which i work in in the evening for us to have enough food."
Niyonsaba's family
access_time 2 years ago
Niyonsaba enrolled.
"Not having enough land of my own have been a major challenge in my life because I am living alone without any support, I struggle to rent some land to cultivate what to eat and I don’t have any livestock to give me fertiliser for my crops as I had a cow which died a year ago and later on I bought a pig which also died and this was a very bad loss which happened to me. Currently I am becoming weaker as days go by and this is becoming a constraint for me to keep moving forward alone in my life as I am no long capable of working for others to get money to use in my daily life."
Nyirahavugimana's family
access_time 2 years ago
Nyirahavugimana enrolled.
"The biggest challenge I have is that I do not have land where I can cultivate because many times I do casual work in agriculture. In short words, I am very poor."
Nyiranzarora's family
access_time 2 years ago
Nyiranzarora enrolled.
"Currently we are grateful for life and good health that we have. Nothing special that is being hard for us."
Mukandayisenga's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mukandayisenga enrolled.
"The challenge we have for now is that we are poor. We do not have something which can help us to get to the development. Many times we do farming but we do not get enough yield."
Mukamana's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mukamana enrolled.
"The biggest challenge I have now is that we live in a small house because we are poor. In addition to that we do not have enough materials that we need especially bedsheets , mattress and kitchen materials."
Nyiransabimana's family
access_time 2 years ago
Nyiransabimana enrolled.
"The biggest challenge I am facing currently is not having a good house to live in with my children because when it rains, all the water comes in the house and it becomes a flood. Another thing is that I do not have a specific job to do which can bring food on my table."
Dusengimana's family
access_time 2 years ago
Dusengimana enrolled.
"We are facing a challenge of not having the livestocks which can help us to get a fertiliser. We don't also have enough land to cultivate and get enough harvest."
Jenifer's family
access_time 2 years ago
Jenifer enrolled.
"We live in a semi-arid area, and there has been a prolonged drought for the past three years. As a result of that, we do not do crop farming, therefore relying on the market to produce to get food. Secondly, we trek two kilometers to access salty water from a canal that we use for cleaning and cooking but we purchase drinking water. Our lives have become more difficult due to the lack of water directly leading to food insecurity."