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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $444 initial payment.
"When I received the cash transfer, my priority was constructing a more spacious house than the one I had as it was small and congested. Before, building a house was difficult given that I mostly depended on charcoal making, and the little money I earned could not even enable me to get some food on regular basis. Courtesy of the transfers, I spent $218 to build a bigger one-room mud-waaled house with an iron sheet roof. After that, I opted to build a house because I did not have a decent house. The house I had was very small, congested, and collapsing thus it was unsafe to dwell in. Thereafter, I bought a sack of maize for $62 so that I could have food security at home while concentrating on other things. Since I desired to rare some livestock, I used $110 to buy three goats. For the remaining amount, I saved for my upkeep."
View Kadzitu's
2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"As the sun was about to set I received a message in my phone. Since I am illiterate, I had to wait for my helper who had gone to the shopping center to come and interpret the message for me. No sooner had he arrived that I gave him the phone for the message interpretation. He confirmed to me that I had received the first banch of the GiveDirectly transfers. I was over joyed and ululated in happiness. I can't remember the exact song I sang on that day but I composed a song of happiness and sung happily."
View Bendera's
2 years ago
received a $444 initial payment.
"While asleep, I heard a message tone from my phone but I ignored it since I do not know how to read. My husband who is also my helper wakem up to see what kind of a message it was. When he checked, he looked straight into my eyes and smiled before breaking the news that it was the first transfer of $550 from GiveDirectly. My heart was filled with happiness for receiving the money. I tried to hold back and not attract the attention of other people that night though Ifelt like ululating due to happiness."
View Rehema's
2 years ago
received a $444 initial payment.
"It was around 4 pm when I heard a message tone from my phone. Being unable to read, I handed over the phone to my helper for clarification and she confirmed that I had received the first transfer from GiveDirectly. My heart was filled with joy and happiness for receiving the transfer knowing the journey with GiveDirectly had successfully started. I ululated in happiness since I was not sure such a piece of luck could land on me."
View Kahonzi's
2 years ago
received a $444 initial payment.
"While resting under a shade at home at around 4 pm, my helper who is also my son approached me with good news. He had heard neighbors talking about receiving their transfers from GiveDirectly. Therefore, he took my phone to confirm whether I had also received mine. I was surprised after the confirmation that I had received the money in the past 4 hours. I felt very happy and thankful for the help. Being a widow has been the most challenging thing to go about since I solely depend on charcoal burning."
View Chenda's
2 years ago
received a $444 initial payment.
"Before getting the first transfer, I was going through a tough ailing time with no money for medication. Currently, I am doing well because the money boosted me for medication. In addition to that, I will not strain much on school fees because I saved some amount for them. I also bought some food to ensure food security. Initially, I used to go without food for at least a day a week but now I have access to food. I register my gratitude to the organization."
View Daniel's
2 years ago
"During the last year, the intensive rains which come from uphill destroyed my crops(beans) in the gardens. This happens as the heavy rains come, it washes away all the soils and destroys the crops. This left us with scarcity of food and we have to struggle to get two full meal in a day."
View Nabutuwa's
2 years ago
"I planted my trees on one acer of land in October 2017, but they were all washed away by land slides that happened in 2018. I and children would get income for sustainability, school fee and food at home,once I sold these trees. But since the incidence happened my financial status got so worse that buying food for my Family is now a challenge since I am a widow.
It is also so hard for me to acquire income to buy maize seeds and onion for me to plant, yet while the trees were around this was not a challenge at all,because I would buy the various seeds I needed whenever I would sold my trees."
View Nabutsebi's
2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"Words can't express the happiness that I had when I saw a text message on my screen displayed showing I had received money from GiveDirectly. It was at 3 pm, seated outside my house reading. There was too much heat inside the house. I asked my son to come and confirm whether what I had read in the text was true. He confirmed, and at that moment it was when I believed. I'm grateful for the support of this cash transfer that's nondiscriminatory to anyone. Since we were all equally served respectfully."
View Jacob's
2 years ago
received a $162 initial payment.
"Receiving money from GiveDirectly has had a great impact on our lives. It is due to this cash that I was able to build my children a house which I wasn't able to do before due to lack of money. I'm relieved that my children have their place. We are forever grateful for the assistance which has brought us happiness in our lives."
View Kimosop's