GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"My husband and I prioritized building a decent house for our family after receiving my transfer. This is because our previous home was small, but we didn't have a choice due to our financial situation and school fee obligations. I am a farmer, and my husband makes a living by selling hens. We have seven kids. As a result, we spent the entire $550 on building the house. We will be eternally grateful because we were able to construct a decent home for our family, which was not previously possible."
View Zedy's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"GiveDirectly's assistance went a long way toward empowering our lives. The majority of our ambitions were realized in a relatively short period. What stood out to me was that they first introduced themselves and obtained my consent before enrolling me. This meant that they valued my opinion and that participation in the program was entirely voluntary. In my opinion, the organization should spend time probing to avoid missing important points before ruling out that one is ineligible."
View Agnes's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"The freedom to spend our money on whatever we wanted piqued my interest during the enrollment process. Furthermore, the security information helped us avoid being defrauded. They thoroughly explained the program to us during our compound meeting and explained how it works. Because the enrollment process was smooth, I didn't notice any flaws that needed to be addressed."
View Paul's
2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"My goal for the coming year is to expand my farm work and expand my business. I believe this would bring in additional income for us, which would help us with our children's school fees. Even though I am currently without funds, I am trusting God for a way out."
View Sizilia's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"I have a goal which is to own more livestock moreso goats. I believe that once I will have a good number of them, I will not strain a lot especially in paying tuition fees for my school-going children. This has been my major challenge and I trust that through the goats all the financial hiccups shall come to an end."
View Katana's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"Personally I am quite grateful for the funds I received from the organization because they were quite life changing for me. I finally was able to accomplish something I wanted for so long which was to build a house for my family and the funds made that possible."
View Kahonzi's
2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"I'm hoping that this year I will be able to prepare my land for the rainy season therefore I plan on buying a mold that will help me till my land. I also intend on looking into nourishment since this is a recurring challenge for me and my family due to drought and considering my husband can barely work due to his old age then I need to step up."
View Kadzo's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly did well in sending money directly to mobile phones. The unconditional cash transfers have helped us to change our living conditions since there is a lot of development in the village. I wish they would return to see how our village life has improved and assist us more."
View Nyevu's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"Since I had to use most of the transfers to spend on my son's education I am hoping that when I finally have enough money I can finish up with the construction to my house. I also intend on keeping my son in school so any little money I get I will ensure to pay for his tuition."
View Maneno's
2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"Using my first transfers I had started on buying a couple of building material because I wanted to construct home since my old one had collapsed a couple of years back. Therefore, when I received the transfers this time around I went ahead to buy a couple of pieces of timber and eighteen pieces of iron sheets. Afterwards I proceeded to buy a bed and a mattress which cost me KES 10,500. I then bought four goats which was worth KES 14,000. I decided to use the remaining balance I was left with on nourishment."
View Mali's