GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"GiveDirectly is particularly generous. The amount of money they give has enabled me and everyone else in my community to accomplish far more than we ever imagined. The sum was generous and thoughtful. We will be eternally grateful to you."
View Langat's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"What GiveDirectly does well is uplifting the poor in the society. Previously, the village was surrounded with grass thatched houses but right now, every household has a iron sheets roof over their heads. People have also been able to pay school fees for their children and buy domestic animals."
View Mercy's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"My family of seven ( my wife and six children) lived in a dilapidated grass thatched and mud walled house before I built this decent house after I received my second transfer. Although I have always wanted to build a decent house for my family, I did not have the financial capability to do so. I am a peasant farmer and I have always depended on my dairy cow for income. With this cows only giving us nine litres of milk per day where one goes for $0.45, this money has only been enough for basic needs and school fees for my six children. I spend $300 of my second transfer to build a semi permanent mud walled two bedroom house and put up a iron sheets roof. I also spend $150 to buy a dairy calf and the balance to buy farm inputs such as fertilizer. My family is happy that we have a decent house and no longer the laughing stock in the village."
View Daisy's
2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"I have always wanted to build a home for me and my family since the one we lived in was quite small and old.
lucky for me the first transfers enabled me to begin the construction to my house but unfortunately the funds ended when I still was not done. Therefore as soon as I received the second transaction I proceeded to buy about eight pieces iron sheets and timber which cost me over KES 10,000. Afterwards I proceeded to spend KES 35,000 on paying tuition for my daughter since she was about to finish high school. Meanwhile I proceeded to use the remaining funds on nourishment."
View Jumwa's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"GiveDirectly's assistance has improved the lives of my village mates. I lack words to express my heartfelt joy and happiness. In my opinion, the organization did an excellent job of empowering both young and old people without discriminating against anyone. The officers took their time visiting each household and examining the living conditions of all the houses without relying on grapevine information."
View Alice's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"Before I became a full time farmer, I was a fisherman in a nearby lake and life was a bit easier because I could sell fish and get some good money to take care of my family. Due to government regulation that prohibited farming on that certain lake, I had to stop what I loved doing and go back to farming. Although farming is something that I would have loved to do, there was no land for farming as I only owned a quarter piece of land that I inherited from my father. Therefore, I could only harvest 3 bags of maize which is only enough for my family of two( wife and one child) and I was left with nothing to sell . When I received my second transfer, I bought another quarter piece of land that I harvest five bags of maize in the last quarter. Although this land is still not enough for me, can get some income from it that I spend on paying some bills and I'm planning to save towards buying another piece of land. I'm so thankful to GiveDirectly for making this possible."
View Robert's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"I am a small scale dairy farmer while my husband is a primary school teacher. Before I was enrolled in the program, life was not easy as I used to cut napier grass with machete. Most of the feeds used to go on waste because, it required a lot of work and energy to cut the grass in to small consumables pieces which the cows could easy eat and I couldn't do this all by myself. Although my husband was working, he was not permanently employed by the government and his salary was very low. Therefore, he couldn't afford to buy napier grass machine cutter and he had responsibilities of paying school fees for our two children and I had responsibilities of providing the family with basic needs from the money that earn from selling milk. I spend spend $400 of my second transfer to buy napier grass machine cutter, $80 to buy household utensils and the balance to buy food for the family. Life has become much easier now and being a dairy farmer has become much fun."
View Emmy's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"When I was promised that I would receive the unconditional transfer, one of the things I wanted to do was buy a piece of land. This had been a dream of mine for many years, but it now appears to be a pipe dream due to financial constraints. I am a businesswoman who sells vegetables around the village for a living, and my husband is a tractor driver; we have three children. As a result, when I received my transfer, I considered raising $300 to pay for a parcel of land. It's a dream come true because I won't have to rely on the merry-go-round or our group table banking. Second, I used the entire amount to purchase cushions for my sofa sets and to revamp my poultry project. I am overjoyed that I was able to accomplish so much during my shower time."
View Hellen's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"What GiveDirectly did well in terms of message delivery to the community during the enrolment process was that they explained the process thoroughly and unquestionably captured our attention. The entire procedure was straightforward. I am grateful for the assistance that has made a significant difference in our lives. I discovered no inefficiencies because, in my opinion, everything the organization did was exceptional."
View Christine's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"Because farming alone is not very reliable, my goal is to start a cereal business where I will sell maize and beans, including those from my farm. To make this dream a reality, I intend to enlist the help of my children in gathering resources. This, I believe, would be beneficial and provide an additional source of income for our family."
View Caroline's