GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Dama's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Dama enrolled.
"I am a charcoal vendor, a very strenuous job, and low paying. This job is no longer reliable since trees in our area are not in plenty and I am now forced to dig out some tree stumps that I use to make charcoal. The income from this job is 600 KES per 3 weeks which is also not consistent. Hence, the lack of a reliable source of income is what I am currently facing."
Chengo's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Chengo enrolled.
"Food security in my household is generally what receiving this money means to me. Currently, I work as a subsistence farmer which majorly depends on rains but this is no longer reliable due to the harsh weather conditions. This has forced me to depend on my son who is doing casual jobs of construction at Mombasa and the much he can support me is 1600 KES per month. This is not enough to fully cater to my family's needs and sometimes we skip meals. The cash grant from GiveDirectly will be a great relief to me since I will be able to get enough food for my family. On the other hand, it will also support my son's education who is now in form one."
Elizabeth's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Elizabeth received a $490 initial payment.
"I felt a great happiness when I received the money because I had so many needs and desires I wanted to achieve but did not have the financial muscle to do that. So, I was very happy to get that kind of assistance. I am ever so grateful to GiveDirectly"
Sidi's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Sidi received a $490 initial payment.
"I was so grateful and excited the moment I received the money because I had gotten the thing I needed to undertake the projects I desired for so long, especially the ones I had mentioned at registration in our conversations with the GiveDirectly field officers. Therefore, I was so happy when I received the money."
Reacheal's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Reacheal received a $490 initial payment.
"I spent most of my transfer seeking medical attention because I was so sick at the time I received the money and could not even help with my duties around the house as well as engage in any income-generating activities. This was even worsening my already weakening health because I was suffering psychologically too, therefore, it was a miracle to receive this kind of money that saved me in a way that I can neither comprehend nor tell. I could not be happier and more grateful. I spent a total of KES34000 on medication because I had to spend close to a whole week in-patient. I am, however, now very happy and grateful that I am on the road to recovery and I can even hold conversations comfortably, all thanks to GiveDirectly. I also bought a goat for KES3000 which is an investment that will live on, will multiply and through it, I will always remember the kind of assistance I received from GiveDirectly."
Christina's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Christina enrolled.
"I have been thinking aloud about where to get money to renovate my house, I am just a subsistent farmer and depend on casual jobs to earn a living. My earnings are just a little about KES 500 daily. This is not sufficient for me to provide basic needs for the family and use them for renovations. I will use KES 40000 to do the renovation. This money rekindles my hope of owning a farm. I will set KES 50000 to jumpstart this business. I am also struggling to find food for my family due to financial challenges. This money will help me stock food and buy clothing for my household."
Leonard's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Leonard enrolled.
"My area is prone to drought and whenever it strikes we have a water shortage and feed for livestock. So when I get this money I will dig a big dam that will collect water enough to last the drought season. To dig it I need around KES 50000 and the remaining amount I will spend on planting dairy feeds like Napier grass. With water and food availability my cows can yield more milk which will generate income and also for household use since Milk contains vital nutrients for the development of children."
Benard's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Benard enrolled.
"The biggest challenge is financial constraints. I would have loved to get the priority of attending upgrading training to a Competence-based curriculum but due to lack of money, I have to postpone. I teach in a private school and my monthly pay is KES 9000 but it is insufficient to meet all my needs including furthering my studies."
Caroline's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Caroline enrolled.
"Finding a stable source of income is a challenge I am currently facing. I am a casual labourer who depends on tilling people's farms for a living to earn KES 200 daily. Although I am energetic enough, finding this job is somewhat straining as I can even go for almost 2 weeks without having one. On these occasions, I depend on my husband who does masonry upon being called. In an instant, he earns KES 150, which cater for food to last the household a day hence we mostly, stay hungry as we sacrifice for the children and this upsets me."
Prince's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Prince received a $282 initial payment.
"I'd lost my father few years ago. My mother left me in the town and went in the capital city. Life became very difficult for me to the extent that I became to do hard labour jobs in the village. I became to cut palm to make palm oil to buy some essential needs to sustain myself. Going through all these struggles, I have lost hope in life all together until GiveDirectly Came into our town. I was fortunate to be eligible on the cash transfer program of GiveDirectly when they came in my town . My first transfer came and people became to give me so many advices on what to do with my money. I was able to listen to the good advices of people telling me to buy zinc and build a house for myself to stay in. Building a house for myself to stay is the best thing to do for the future when the transfer come from GiveDirectly. I am not getting any younger and I can't keep living with people. It was very enough for me to do because I felt that I had no future due to the hardships I been through. I have bought zinc and other building materials and also cutting some sticks to start my house project. I am also waiting for my second transfer to pay people and start with the erection of the house. I am kindly grateful to GiveDirectly for what they have done for me and giving me a better future through this means."