GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Mercy's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Mercy enrolled.
"Getting food and water during this time has become a nightmare for my family. I walk for two and half hours every day to fetch water on an empty stomach, this also affects my child who depends on breast milk because when I don't eat means my daughter will also not be able to feed well."
Kabunda's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kabunda enrolled.
"Old age has come with a lot of health issues. I have a problem with my knees, I can't walk for a long distance, and with no money to seek medication, it is depressing."
Kahindi's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Kahindi enrolled.
"Living in a house without a roof has lowered my self-esteem as a man. I depend on casual jobs that hardly come by nowadays and when it comes I make 100KES per that is only enough to buy food for my family. I get rained on during the rainy season and during sunny days I can't even lay down and rest in my own house because I will be exposing myself to the scorching sun."
Asha's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Asha enrolled.
"The drought has worsened things for my family. I am a subsistence farmer but unfortunately due to the prolonged drought, I could not continue farming. I had to fully depend on my husband whose job is not consistent. The casual jobs he depends on in town hardly come by to due high demand and poor economic situation in the country. I had to resort to one meal a day to ease the burden on him."
Rachael's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Rachael received a $297 second payment.
"Give Directly give out money to assist us improved our lives. Give Directly does not take gifts from their reciepnts. In an African certain we give gifts for appreciation but Give Directly says no."
Peter's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Peter received a $297 second payment.
"From my personal point of view, GiveDirectly has been very awesome in all they do. They have touched our lives positively by giving us poor people money and allowing us to choose how to use it. For all the years I've lived, I haven't seen anything like this. GiveDirectly is so unique and incomparable. I prayed to God each day that GiveDirectly continue to do best what she has started and transition as many lives through out Liberia. This organization has done everything almost perfectly and I personally do not see anything they've done wrong thus far."
Alphonso's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Alphonso received a $282 initial payment.
"I spent most of my recent transfer on registering my children in school for this academic year 2021/2022. Similarly, part of the money was used to buy different kinds of seeds for agriculture purpose. Nevertheless , I saved the balance money to renovate my house and put two of the four rooms in rent. Proceeds from renting the two rooms will be used to address my family's basic needs. With this problem solving transfer from GiveDirectly, my life has become stress free and I'm so much delighted."
Ben's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Ben received a $282 initial payment.
"I have been living in my old small house for more than eleven (11) years. My greatest desire was to one day build a bigger house for my family and I to move in. I couldn't achieve my goal because of limited finances. In the midst of all these financial instabilities, I received my transfer from GiveDirectly. I jumped out of my bed early that morning and rushed outside. I felt so pleased and overjoyed having received this transfer that has come at the right time. Glory to God and thanks to GiveDirectly for this golden opportunity that has positively affected my life."
Oretha's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
Oretha received a $297 second payment.
"In my opinion since GiveDirectly came in this Town, I've not seen anything bad they have done. My living condition has been very bad. During rainy season we suffer because of the leakages on the roof of the house. They are even helping us so much and we are grateful for that. I'm so excited.It's just that they don't accept our gifts but we are grateful. I don't think they are doing anything unwell."
John's family
access_time almost 3 years ago
John received a $297 second payment.
"The past years have been a bit difficult for my family. I could barely feed my family and send my children to school at the same time. Our house has not been in a better condition. It leaks during the rainy season so I decided to build a new house. Unfortunately, I couldn't complete the new house due to the lack of funds. Thank God for GiveDirectly I can now feed my children and also complete my house. I'm extremely excited that I got enrolled in this program. Now, I can send my children back to school so that they can be future leaders. I'm so happy that my dream will become a reality."