GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Karisa's family
access_time 14 days ago
Karisa received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"I aim to start poultry farming. My small kiosk has been struggling, and I believe it's time to explore a new venture that can provide a steady income. With just two chickens, I know the journey will require dedication and patience. I plan to save at least $15 monthly to buy more chickens. This decision is more than just financial; it’s a fresh start."
Kambi's family
access_time 14 days ago
Kambi received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"In the upcoming year, I am committed to taking control of my health, particularly because I am struggling with my vision and hearing. I am determined to seek the appropriate medical care to restore my sight and hearing, which will bring immense joy and freedom into my life. This journey towards improved health is essential not only for me but also for staying connected with my loved ones and remaining an active part of their lives. I understand that it will require effort, time, and perhaps a few sacrifices, but I am resolute in investing in myself and my well-being so that I can once again fully experience life with all my senses."
Charo's family
access_time 14 days ago
Charo received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"In the upcoming year, I am hoping to improve my living conditions by purchasing a bed. Currently, I have to place the mattress on an earthen floor. This simple upgrade will be a significant step towards a better life, something I have longed for but had to put off due to other pressing needs. With the upcoming transfers, my priority is to acquire that bed, and after that, I will focus on other essential matters. It's not just about making my space more comfortable; it's about creating a sense of dignity and peace in my everyday life. This small change will give me the strength to tackle bigger challenges, such as expanding my herd."
Mkutano's family
access_time 14 days ago
Mkutano received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I hope to transform my home into a safe and sturdy refuge for my family. I have been diligently saving every monthly transfer for the past three months, determined to renovate my house, which feels weak against the strong winds we’ve been facing. As I continue to save, I also wait patiently for the rains, knowing that the renovation will need water, which is currently scarce due to the ongoing drought. With every saved penny, I dream of a stronger house, a place where my family can feel secure and protected, no matter the storms that may come our way."
Kauchi's family
access_time 14 days ago
Kauchi received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I hope to transform my home into a safe and welcoming place by renovating the roofing, which has become old and rusty over the years. I feel a deep sense of pride in my home, and I know that a new roof will not only protect my family but also bring a fresh look to our living space. To achieve this, I plan to buy one iron sheet every month, slowly but surely making progress toward my goal of 14 sheets. This journey of improvement will not just be about fixing my house; it will be about creating a loving environment where cherished memories can flourish."
Julius's family
access_time 14 days ago
Julius received a $27 twenty-fifth payment.
"My children's education will always be my top priority, and in the coming years, I am committed to supporting them as it will greatly benefit their future. To achieve this, I plan to continue using a portion of my future transfers from GiveDirectly to pay their school fees and ensure they receive a proper education, just like their peers in the village. Also, given the current drought and hunger we are facing in our region, I also intend to allocate part of these transfers to buy food for my family, preventing us from starving until we receive good rains and can harvest from our farm. Once we have a stable food supply, I will redirect the funds previously used for food toward purchasing more goats. This will add to the goats I already own, which I bought with hopes of them multiplying in number and value. My ultimate goal is that these goats will help me support my children's education and care for my family, especially when this program comes to an end."
Riziki's family
access_time 14 days ago
Riziki received a $27 twenty-fifth payment.
"I previously had a mission to buy a dairy cow, and I’m happy to say that I achieved that goal! Now, I am enjoying the fresh milk I always wanted. Looking ahead, I aspire to own a piece of land where I can build rental houses, providing me with a reliable source of income each month. To reach this goal, my plan is to continue using a portion of my transfers from GiveDirectly to buy goats, hoping they will multiply in both number and value. In the future, I aim to trade some of these goats for male cows. I hope that these male cows will grow and increase in value, allowing me to sell them later and purchase a two-acre piece of land. I intend to use part of that land to build the rental houses I have always dreamed of. Additionally, I pray that the cows I already have will also multiply so that I can sell some of them in the future and use the proceeds to build the house I envision. I am hopeful that my ambitions will come true, leading to a future with strong financial security."
Charo's family
access_time 14 days ago
Charo received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"Now that I am back home and unable to work due to my health, I plan to start livestock farming again. Unfortunately, the animals I previously acquired died because they didn’t receive the care they needed while I was away. Before diving into livestock farming, I want to focus on serious crop farming when the rains come. I intend to use a portion of my transfers for this purpose, aiming for good harvests that will sustain us until the next planting season, so we won’t have to rely on buying food. Once we have a stable food supply, I will redirect the money I was spending on food toward purchasing goats and turkeys. My hope is that these animals will multiply, providing me with a reliable source of income and resources in the future when this program comes to an end."
Leah's family
access_time 14 days ago
Leah received a $141 initial payment.
"Moment  I was at home washing dishes after we had finished our lunch when I suddenly heard a message come through on my phone. I picked it up to check, and to my surprise, I saw that I had received my first transfer from GiveDirectly. I immediately prayed and thanked God for the blessings. I felt so happy because I knew that my worries about school fees for my children in high school and university were finally over. Thank you, GiveDirectly."
Nonjei's family
access_time 14 days ago
Nonjei received a $141 initial payment.
"Receiving the cash transfer from GiveDirectly made an incredible difference in my life during a very challenging time. My daughter was sick and admitted to the hospital. The doctors recommended transferring her to a county referral hospital, but I did not have the money for it. Just when I felt hopeless, the transfer arrived, allowing me to cover her referral and hospital bills. Thanks to that timely support, she underwent surgery, was discharged, and is now recovering well. God bless you, GiveDirectly."