GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Cyrus's family
access_time 14 days ago
Cyrus received a $141 initial payment.
"Losing my wife was the hardest thing I’ve ever faced, and the day I spent all of my first transfer on her medical bills felt like the end of everything. She had been battling cancer for a long time, and when she was admitted to the hospital, the bills piled up quickly. I used the entire transfer to pay for her treatment, hoping and praying that it would give her more time. But despite all efforts, she passed away, leaving me with five children to take care of. I felt devastated, and life became even more difficult with the weight of that loss.With three of my children in secondary school, the burden only grew heavier. School fees became my biggest challenge, and I didn’t know how I was going to keep up. My wife had been my rock, the one I leaned on when things got tough, and now that she was gone, I had to find a way to stay strong for the children. The grief was overwhelming, but I had no choice but to keep going. I knew I had to find a way to provide for my family, no matter how hard it got.Even though life became tough, I had to push forward. My children are my hope, and their education is something I’m determined to support. The transfer helped ease the financial burden for a moment, but losing my wife has left a gap that no amount of money can fill. I now focus on taking care of my family, working hard to make sure my kids can finish school and have a better future. I hold onto that hope, knowing that it’s the only way to keep going despite the challenges."
Kadzo's family
access_time 14 days ago
Kadzo received a $27 twenty-fifth payment.
"Currently, my family and I reside in a small one-room house. I have always wished to build a better and more spacious house for us, but due to limited income as a peasant farmer, this has not been possible. However, since I joined the GiveDirectly program, I have gained hope and determination to work towards constructing a new house in the coming year and beyond. My plan is to build a new house to provide my children with their own space and to give the adults in the family their own space as well. To achieve this, I intend to allocate my transfers towards paying school fees for my children and purchasing building materials for the house. This way, I can gradually work towards constructing a new home for us. Additionally, I have aspirations to own cows for plowing my farm. To accomplish this, I have been investing in chickens, hoping that they will multiply. In the future, I plan to trade the chickens for goats, allow the goats to multiply and increase in value, and eventually trade them for cows. Achieving these goals means a lot to me and will bring me great happiness."
Nosuamin's family
access_time 14 days ago
Nosuamin received a $141 initial payment.
"The biggest change in my life since I started receiving cash transfers from GiveDirectly is the ability to sleep on a mattress. Before this, I had no choice but to sleep on the floor, which was uncomfortable and difficult, especially given my old age. Now, every night I enjoy a restful sleep, which has greatly improved my overall well-being. Additionally, I no longer feel embarrassed when I have visitors because I can now offer them chairs to sit on. This small but significant change has made my home a more welcoming place, allowing me to welcome guests comfortably and enjoy their company without the worry of inadequate seating. Overall, these improvements have brought a sense of dignity and comfort to my daily life."
Gladys's family
access_time 14 days ago
Gladys received a $141 initial payment.
"The biggest difference since I started receiving cash transfers from GiveDirectly is in my mental health. I no longer have the stress of searching for school fees for my kids, and having enough food has significantly reduced the pressure and desperation I felt from doing odd jobs that often paid very little. Now, I can spend more quality time with my family, and our overall well-being has greatly improved. This support has brought peace to my life, allowing me to focus on what truly matters: my family and our happiness."
Lonard's family
access_time 14 days ago
Lonard received a $141 initial payment.
"The biggest difference since I started receiving cash transfers from GiveDirectly has been the ability to own a goat, which has since multiplied to two. Before this support, I did not own any livestock, so this feels like a significant achievement. This is just the beginning; I hope to increase my herd with future GiveDirectly transfers. By allowing my goats to multiply, I can create a sustainable source of income and have livestock to rely on in times of emergencies. This new venture gives me hope for a more secure future and the ability to support my family when needed."
Sila's family
access_time 14 days ago
Sila received a $141 initial payment.
"One afternoon, as I was relaxing at home, I received a phone notification. When I checked, I saw that it was GiveDirectly who had sent me $180. I was so excited and immediately felt a sense of relief. I knew that with this money, I could finally accomplish one of my goals. The first thought that came to mind was to lease a piece of land so I could start maize farming. It felt like the perfect opportunity to work towards improving my family’s future."
Changawa's family
access_time 14 days ago
Changawa received a $27 thirty-third payment.
"In the coming months, I plan to use the remaining transfers to pay the required labor fees to finalize the construction of the house. Once the house is fully completed, my next goal is to start a kiosk business. Establishing this business will diversify my income sources and provide me with additional financial stability to support my family. I am already a member of a savings group and intend to save more once the house is complete, so I can accumulate enough capital to launch the business next year. I am deeply appreciative of the support from GiveDirectly, which has empowered me to make significant strides towards my goals, especially rebuilding my home and planning for a more secure financial future."
Alex's family
access_time 14 days ago
Alex received a $155 initial payment.
"I was at a burial in a nearby village when I heard a notification sound on my phone. I checked it and felt so happy to see that it was the GiveDirectly transfer! I was really glad and I could not wait to get home to share the news with my wife. I then knew that I could pay off some debts I had and also cover the school fees for my three children. "
Josphine's family
access_time 14 days ago
Josphine received a $141 initial payment.
"When the floods came, they completely wiped out 1.5 acres of maize and an entire acre of tomatoes that I had been counting on to sell for school fees and food security at home. It was a devastating blow, and I honestly didn't know how I was going to recover. I had also accumulated so much debt, not knowing where the money would come from to pay it off. But thanks to the unconditional cash I received from GiveDirectly, I was able to cover food costs and pay the school fees for my children. Most importantly, I’ve managed to clear all my debts, and now, for the first time in a long while, I don’t owe anyone anything. It’s a huge relief, and it truly makes my soul rejoice, and feels great to have this weight lifted off me."
Magdalene's family
access_time 14 days ago
Magdalene received a $155 initial payment.
"The biggest difference I have seen since I received the transfer is that I now have a pit latrine of my own. For the last four years since we moved here, my family and I have been sharing a pit latrine with our neighbors, and it reached a point where they started complaining. They would often accuse us of leaving it dirty, even though we always made sure to clean it after using it. The tension was uncomfortable, but thanks to the money from GiveDirectly, we were able to build our latrine, and that has lifted a huge burden off our shoulders. Now that we have our own latrine, the misunderstandings with our neighbors have reduced significantly, and everyone is happier. It feels good to have that independence and privacy, and we no longer have to worry about who is saying what or getting into unnecessary arguments over cleanliness. Having this basic facility has improved our peace of mind and made life here much more comfortable."