GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 5 years ago
"The biggest hardship that I face is sickness.
I am on medication most of the time. This means money because I have to buy drugs.
The little money that I happen to get is spent on treatment just to try and have some peace. Sometimes I have had to force myself out to do casual labour in order to earn some money.
However, I can not work as I would wish because I am limited by my condition. "
View Elizabeth's
over 5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I will be able to build an iron roofed house.
The grass thatched house that I currently occupy leaks and with my condition, I am not able to put it right."
View Grace's
over 5 years ago
"This is unbelievable opportunity to receive Givedirectly transfers because my family has been waiting. Therefore once I get this money, building iron-roofed house is my priority . I have suffered sleeping under a leaking roof for a long period of time. Also I have been spending alot of money looking for thatching grass in long distances. Iam therefore un able to save any money for sustaining my needs because of costs involved in maintaing grass thatched roof."
View Ben's
over 5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I will be able to buy land. I separated with my spouse and returned to my parents home. My parents did not given me a share of customary land, hence I donot have where to cultivate and build a homestead. This has always tortured me since Iam treated as come back. Iam borrowing where to cultivate each seaon. This has always made me delay planting and I end up getting low out put which can not sustaing my family."
View Florence's
over 5 years ago
"My plan is to spend this money for buying animals (cows) and starting up a business . I lost my parents at the tender age and life has been a journey. I have tried working hard to get money for buying cows but all in vain. This has made me stay a single life since in African tradition owning a wife is by giving an appreciation to in-laws. Which is ordinarily cows as dowery. My life will be complete once I marry. Also I will start up a business of selling chicken. This will be an income generatiing activity for my family."
View Jorem's
over 5 years ago
"At my old age, i could have wished to have someone to take care of me but since my wife passed away 2yrs ago, i feel lonely all the time and i have to depend on my children to take care of me. This is the hardship i am currently facing"
View John's
over 5 years ago
received a $22 fifteenth payment.
"My house will be improved because It will be timber walled and the floor will be made of concrete. The expected difference is the fact that my family will be living in such a nice compound and house that I always wanted for them. I also expect to have a fully furnished house with a 7 seater sofa sets. I will be using the GivedIrectly transfers to make all these improvements."
View Leonard's
over 5 years ago
received a $22 fifteenth payment.
"In the next six months of my life, I expect to have saved enough money and most likely by then I expect to have replaced the current broken door. This will make me feel more secure because I stay by the road and I find it unsafe staying in a house with a broken door."
View Anjelina's
over 5 years ago
received a $22 twelfth payment.
"I expect my life to change in the next six months in that I shall be self-employed through starting a grocery business at a center nearby with the saving from the merry go round group. This business will generate a daily income to finance the additional needs for my family."
View Judy's
over 5 years ago
received a $22 fifteenth payment.
"In the next six months, I would want to save part of my transfers to buy cement and sand which I will use in plastering my house. I had a dream of building a permanent house but due to low income, I am not able to. With the opportunity given to me by Give Directly, I would want to have a semi-permanent house."
View Wellingtone's