GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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Happy Holidays!
GDLive updates will be slower while GiveDirectly's Africa offices are closed over the holidays.
over 5 years ago
"Considering my family size of seven providing for my family basic needs has been a challenging task for me. Being a housewife, my only hope is on my husband's business a job that does not comfortably cater for our family basic needs. This has forced my children to skip classes a thing that does not give me peace of mind. The realization of the transfer we are about to receive is a rejuvenated hope for our family as my husband will be able to earn more income to support our family's basic needs. Hence, transform our lives for the better."
View Kadzo's
over 5 years ago
received a $22 nineteenth payment.
"My expectation in the near future is to build a bigger, more spacious permanent house for my family. I currently stay in a mud-walled house and since its quite delicate especially during rainy seasons, it needs regular maintenance hence making it quite laborious. This will also allow my children to have a reading area which they currently lack in the small house that we live in. I also expect to improve financially. I am planning to expand my poultry project and this means I will have more proceeds from the sale of farm produce."
View Faith's
over 5 years ago
"Receiving this money means that i will be able to pay school fees for my niece.Since her mother died,she has been under my care.She has not been able to fully settle in school-constantly being sent home every now and then.She is even home now and currently we have not been able to send her back.Once this is done I will also buy some sheep since they multiply quickly hence I will be assured of a good flock within a year.This I will later sell and buy two dairy cows"
View Naomy's
over 5 years ago
"When my sister- in- law passed on four years ago,her children were left under my care.She died at childbirth meaning that she left a newborn.It has been very difficult to care for her four children as well as three of my own.I am a single parent and you can imagine having to depend on a very small piece of land to provide enough food to eat as well as some to sell in order to meet the other needs.I have even resorted to selling firewood which I get from a forest quite far from home.Raising such a big family all alone has been the biggest hardship I have faced "
View Jane's
over 5 years ago
received a $470 initial payment.
"The moment I received the transfer, I felt so happy. The excitment filled my heart, I was hungry but hunger disappeared."
View Christine's
over 5 years ago
received a $452 second payment.
"My life is good now because I have established businesses that are generating income to the family. I can now feed my family and save money to cater for emergencies.
Before I got the transfers the main source of money was offering casual labour."
View Paul's
over 5 years ago
received a $452 second payment.
"My life is better now because I paid my children's school fees which has made me happy. My health has improved because I do not think a lot these days. Before I got the transfer, I could cry every night and I was so sickly of ulcers due to overthinking."
View Jane's
over 5 years ago
received a $452 second payment.
"My life is better and full of hope because I have already set up a welding business which will start running as soon as power is connected into the work shop. This business will generate income to the family to cater for most needs like food, medical bills, school fees and many more. It will also relieve me from the stress and I have a feeling that I will leave longer."
View Noah's
over 5 years ago
received a $452 second payment.
"My life has greatly changed because I'm sleeping comfortably in a permanent house as opposed to before when I slept in a leaking thatched house. Secondly, I also accessed adquate treatment since I was degonised with hernia. Before, I went to the health centres which did not have medcine and well trained medical personels."
View Joseph's
over 5 years ago
received a $452 second payment.
"My life is much better because I have acquired 2 bulls, 3 turkeys and 5 ducks which I'm rearing for supporting my children in future like paying school fees. In addition I'm also building a permanent house which I thought of building. Prior to these transfers, I could not provide most of the basic needs for children because I never owned anything."
View Esther's