GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 years ago
received a $512 second payment.
"Before, I operated a small business at the nearby shopping center and the profits were not enough to meet both basic needs then save to build a house. My life is different than it would have been if I never received this transfers in that I have built a spacious house for a comfortable stay of my family and an extension which serves as my business premise . Currently ,my children have a place to sleep and do their private studies without any disturbances unlike before. I no longer shy away when I have visitors because I have enough space to host them. I am also glad that I have cut the cost of paying rent for the business premise that I used to hold my business. Therefore, these cut costs have assisted me a lot in boosting the capital of my business of which I am grateful to GiveDirectly."
View Mary's
5 years ago
"Lack of sufficient finances has been our biggest hardship in life. My husband, a teacher by profession, took a loan 2 years ago to build the house we live in and has been paying it from his salary ever since. This has affected so many other financial areas such as education for the children and even food provision especially when the rains have failed and we have to buy food from shops which is more expensive than growing your own. We had to cut down on so many other expenses too so we can survive with the little he now brings home, for example he now has to walk for over an hour to get to his workplace instead of using a motorcycle like he used to so he can save the 200 shillings and spend it on food etc. "
View Kadzo's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"I expect in the next six months I would have to build a better house. And as a parent, I would be happier and thankful to Give Directly for the support which we have received."
View Caroline's
5 years ago
received a $512 second payment.
"My life is different from how it was in that I have already bought building materials and now I am hopeful of having a home. I have always wanted to own a home but due to financial constraints, I was forced to postpone this process until when GiveDirectly came into my life. To me, this is the biggest difference in my life."
View Stevin's
5 years ago
received a $512 second payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if I never received the transfer because I own a motorcycle. I operate a retail shop and transportation that is involved in stocking items in my shop was a big challenge before. I felt that I could have expanded the business if it was not for the transport cost. I am so happy that low cost of transport has greatly increased my profits. I currently enjoy effective and efficient transport thus have humble time to operate my business. My shop has grown and the profits are much higher which gives me ease in providing for my family's needs.On the other hand the motorcycle serves part of communal needs for instance in emergencies where some village members are sick especially the elderly and they do not have any means of transport. I always volunteer to take them to hospital as well. All these has changed my life positively and in a big way."
View Benedictine's
5 years ago
"I am a farmer and for over 20 years that I have been ploughing my farm,I rely on the tradition methods of farming. This has not been very profitable for me because at most,I only manage to plough 2acres of my current 5 acres of land. Ploughing manually drags a lot and by the time I start planting, it is already late into the rainy seasons. The end result has always been very poor harvest.with this money,I will buy two ovens since I already have the ox plough at ksh.30,000 so that I can expand and improve my farming to incorporate other plants like cassava,cowpeas and wheat which are drought resistant.I will also buy 10 goats at ksh.25,000 to help me in future as my investment plan to continue educating my children."
View Ibrahim's
5 years ago
received a $22 sixteenth payment.
"In the next six months, I would have harvested potatoes which I had planted with part of the transfer are almost ready to harvest. I am looking forward to a good harvest which when I would get to sell it would enable me to sell and earn money for supporting my children in school."
View Susan's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money is an opportunity for me to solve a few pressing issues.One;My family lives in a small hut and being the only house,it serves all purposes including cooking.Most times our clothes get discloured by smoke and I have always wished I could build a separate iron-roofed house.Secondly,I have a child in boarding school and being a single parent,paying his fees together with all the household needs is always a big challenge hence this money will relieve me on that.And lastly,I will use 30 Usd from the transfer to buy a cow that will serve as a source of income even when the money is finished."
View Gladys's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"In the next six months, I believe that I would have bought sheep. Since sheep matures and reproduce faster, I would expect to have a good number which I will sell in future and buy a heifer."
View Beatrice's
5 years ago
"My husband's job is seasonal and we cannot project how much he earns. This means we live from hand to mouth, a situation that has made my family suffer. My children are often sent home because of late school fee payment. This negatively affects their perfomance. It is also difficult to provide medical needs for my daughter who has digestive problems. Sometimes we are forced to source funds from our neighbours and it lowers our self-esteem. This is not limited to the fact that sometimes we go without food because we do not have money to buy from the shops. In this regard I can say financial instability is my biggest."
View Fatuma's