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Newsfeed > Caroline's Profile
Caroline's family
Brick making
Upcoming Stage
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20th Payment
Transfer Amount
2280 KES ($22 USD)
access_time over 4 years ago
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life for the next four months?
Currently, we are living in a grass touched house which has a licking roof. Whenever it rains it is not saved for us as the whole place would be wet forcing us to converge at a corner with my kids. I am planning to save my next transfers so that I would spend to purchase other building materials to add on which I had purchased earlier. I will then build a better house which would be safer and comfortable for us.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life in the last four months preceding the current transfer.
Since we started receiving the transfer from GD, we opted to pool part of our transfer as beneficiaries of Give Directly so that we can raise a good amount which would enable one to start a meaningful project or pay school fees. I received KES 10000 as savings which I spent on buying food for the family as we had none at the time when we receive the transfers. Apart from buying food, I also paid some school fees and bought school uniform for my children. Now I am happy that my children are looking good in their new uniform and they won't be sent home since I have cleared their school fees.
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
I expect in the next six months I would have to build a better house. And as a parent, I would be happier and thankful to Give Directly for the support which we have received.
16th Payment
Transfer Amount
2280 KES ($22 USD)
access_time almost 5 years ago
How is your life currently different from how it was four months ago?
My life is currently different in that I have been relieved from paying school fees after my child completed his tertiary level of education. This has enabled me to have other plans for myself and the family and to save more money from my daily casual work to make other family investments. I have therefore been able to expand my brick making business by hiring one casual who helps me in the production process. I am looking forward to building a brick walled house over the next four to six months. I know this is highly possible and I will work hard to make sure that I accomplish it.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life for the next four months?
In the next four months I am planning to make more bricks up to 10000 bricks that will enable me build a brick walled house. I will only require 3000 bricks to build a new permanent ans spacious house. The extra 7000 bricks shall be sold to meet the cost of other building materials. I have a piece of land to help me make the bricks already and I will use the GiveDirectly transfers to pay a casual that is going to help me produce the bricks. This, I am optimistic shall be accomplished in the next four months.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life in the last four months preceding the current transfer.
The biggest difference in my daily life over the last four months is that I have been able to start a poultry keeping project and improved my brick making business. I was able to start a poultry keeping project by starting with building of a poultry house from the monthly transfers that I received and buying chicken later. I now have diverse source of income and looking forward to expanding my income base through other family investments. My brick making business has equally improved since I now have been able to hire a casual to help me in brick making business. I am working towards producing enough bricks that will enable me buy other building materials and build a brick walled house in the near future.
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
I expect my life to change in the next six months in that I shall have built a new brick walled house. The house that we are currently staying in as a family is too old and a grass thatched one. During the rainy seasons, the roof is often leaking and this has been giving us a lot of discomfort as a family. We have not been able to build a new one in the recent past since we were struggling to pay school fees for our child and now that she has completed her education, we can be able to divert all the resources towards building a new house.
12th Payment
Transfer Amount
2280 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 5 years ago
How is your life currently different from how it was four months ago?
My life is different in that I can now provide for my family like any other mother can. I can afford some of the most basic needs such as food and clothes for the family. Self esteem of my children has been greatly boosted following the transfers which has allowed me to provide them with things that were hard to come by for us. We feel more proud of ourselves than we were four months a go when we had literally nothing to take pride in. sleeping hungry has been a thing of the past for us. We now have more income generating opportunities making us self reliant than in the past.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life for the next four months?
We are currently living in a small grass thatched house that has had its roof leaking of late. In the next four months I want to struggle a lot to save up and assemble the neccesary resources for building a new house. In the next four months, we should be good to start building a new and more spacious house. This would bring more comfort to my family and make us happier and equal to other people in our society. I know this is going to be achieved now that I am relieved by one of my children who just cleared high school. Money that was used in paying her school fees will be directed towards the construction of this new house. I am also optimistic that she will get a job and give me a helping hand to accomplish this task
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life in the last four months preceding the current transfer.
Four months a go we did not have an asset in form of a cow. We are now happy that this has been brought into reality through the monthly merry go round that was initiated after the commencement of GiveDirectly transfers. Being one of the first people to benefit from this, I decided that we were going to buy a cow that could help us have milk. The milk has assisted us a lot in having a balanced diet for the family and buying other family needs through the proceeds from the sale of milk produced by the cow. Money that was meant to buy milk always has also been diverted into other meaningful investments that are so helpful to the family in the long run. This has been the biggest difference in my daily life over the last four months.
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
I am looking forward to having a new house in the next six months. I look forward to raising a more happy and healthy family. A family that I can be proud of and in which my children can be proud of me.
5th Payment
Transfer Amount
2280 KES ($23 USD)
access_time almost 6 years ago
How is your life currently different from how it was four months ago?
My life currently is different since I now have decent clothes to wear when going to church or any special event.
Do you have any new or additional goals for your life for the next four months?
The new goals I now have is to buy a cow since the one I have belongs to someone else.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life in the last four months preceding the current transfer.
The biggest difference in my daily life is that my children now days are clean since they no longer lack a soap to wash their clothes.
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
I expect my life to change in that I will have bought a calf.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
2280 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 6 years ago
Do you have any new goals that you didn't have before receiving the transfer?
I want to build a new house within the six months since i currently live in a tattered house.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Right now i am more hopeful that my child will finish college with the help of the transfers. I am more happy now that we have a helping hand from Givedirectly.
How do you expect your life to change in the next six months?
I will be owning a cow in the next six months, this will be a source of food and even income, i will be more comfortable and wont need to work too hard like i do now.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I am glad the transfers came at the right time for my the many needs i had, i am now comfortable that atleast i will have something at the end of each month. it gives some comfort.
access_time over 6 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest hardship that I am facing right now is lack of work(brick making). At the moment, the people who normally hire me to do work for them have no money. This is because most of them were paying school fees. I now do not have a source of income and its hard getting money to buy food.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The happiest part of my day is in the evening. This is when I can rest and am happy because I always have money from brick making. My children and husband are always happy because they are assured of eating a good meal each evening.
What are you planning to spend your transfer on?
I am planning to spend my transfer on buying a piece of land in which I will be making my own bricks to sell. In the past, other people hire me to make bricks for them. I would really wish to make my own bricks so I can pay school fees for my children in College and primary school.
What is the achievement you are proudest of?
The achievement that I am most proud of is that I have managed to pay fees for my child who is pursuing a medical course in college. I have achieved this through brick making. I am proud because she will be finishing soon and will be able to secure a job and help me.