GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I will be able to to retrive the piece of land that was leased by my late father. If this plan succeeds, I will be able to build a home and cultivate a little more than the way I have been doing. This will increase food productivity in my home."
View Odeke's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money means I will be able to buy oxen that will support in my farming activity which inturn will increase food productivity in my home.
I Will spend part of this money on food items bacause even as I speak now, I don't have food in the house."
View Apio's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money means that I will be in position to build iron-roofed house. Iam stay in a leaking grass thatched house since it's constantly being destroyed by termites and rats The iron-roofed house once constructed will provide my house hold with comfortable accommodation which does not leak.Also I will be able to save some money spent on maitianing grass thatched house for doing other better things in my family. "
View Agnes's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"My expectation in the near future is to build a bigger house for my family. We currently stay in quite a small house which was built when our family was still small. My parents used the little resources they could afford to build the tiny house we lived in. Right now, there is a need to build a bigger one that will accommodate us all. I have had this dream for a while but since money is scarce and with the pressing needs, I have had to postpone it. I am glad I finally had the chance to fulfill my dream."
View Faridah's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"My expectation in the near future is to continually improve myself both financially and economically. This, I hope, will come about when I improve my farming activities and fully making use of my farm. I also hope that my children excel in their studies and get some good jobs and improve themselves too. This is always the joy of parents."
View Lily's
5 years ago
received a $39 twelfth payment.
"I spent my transfer on paying school fees arrears for my son who is in primary school. He had been sent home and had stayed home for three days as I was still looking for the money. I was not feeling well because his fellows were in school studying while he was at home doing nothing. This is why I chose to first settle the arrears first so that he may get back to school. I also saved part of the transfer just for future use in case of any financial emergency. The rest of the transfer I used on buying food for my family. I did not want to wait until the little we had in store was used up."
View David's
5 years ago
"I plan to build a new house with this money."
View Juma's
5 years ago
received a $22 nineteenth payment.
"In the next six months l expect to have already bought a blanket and sleeping comfortably without any complaining."
View Sarah's
5 years ago
"My family has been drawing water from a stagnant water pan for a very long time. It harbors filth and is a predisposition for infections like typhoid and diarrhoea. For a long time my desire has been to accord my children with clean and safe water for drinking. Receiving this money will enable me buy a 3000 litre capacity water tank at a cost of 260 usd to realize this aspiration. "
View Emmy's
5 years ago
"Receiving this money means more independence and dignity for my old age. Using the first transfer I am aspiring to buy a dairy cow which will be my dependent source of income for household necessities like food and inputs for my farm."
View Catherine's