GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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5 years ago
received a $533 initial payment.
"I was woken up by a message that I received at around 3 in the morning and on checking and realizing that it was a message notifying me of the transfer I had been promised. I got so excited and immediately knew that some of the dreams that I had would finally be accomplished."
View Rehema's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"In the next six months, it is my expectation that I will have completed the last phase of the poultry project which I am currently working on. Now that I am in its initiation stages, I am hopeful that the whole structure will be well set in the next four months and in the next two months, I will be bringing in birds and at the same time sourcing their feeds."
View Julias's
5 years ago
received a $22 twenty-first payment.
"I expect to expand my business in the next six months . Having the business is an assurance of additional income. I expect to take my children to a good school where they can get best education, this. is my major priority. I also expect that my wife will now have employment, currently, she does not have one but mainly does house chores.
When both of us have something to bring on the table daily it creates a good environment for discussion and also it capacity to build an individual economically, and this is the kind of life I am striving to have in the near future."
View Collins's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"Having all plans in order at the moment, my expectations in the next six months is that I will have harvested the beans which I am soon planting and also the other farm produce which are already planted will have earned us some income which will facilitate the progress of other ongoing projects."
View Johnstone's
5 years ago
received a $22 twentieth payment.
"In the next six months, I expect to be living a happier and healthier life in that I will have secure my medical cover thus will be able to attend to my medical schedules as planned. With the monthly transfers, I expect to improve my access to basic needs thus my living standard will be improved."
View Elice's
5 years ago
"Venturing into livestock keeping is what receiving this money means to me. I plan to spend ksh 30000 to buy a dairy cow and ksh 12000 to buy four goats. I also intend to use part of my transfer to fence my compound into paddocks for grazing my livestock then spend the rest of my money to pay school fees for my 3 children in primary school next year."
View Gideon's
5 years ago
"Food security has been the biggest hardship we have faced in our family since the year 2006. This is mainly caused by unpredictable rainfalls as well as soil borne diseases that has made crop production impossible, thus forcing my spouse and I to engage in casual jobs like cultivating people's lands yet the securing these kinds of jobs is hard now that people no longer venture into farming"
View Caren's
5 years ago
"My first plan when I receive this money is buying a dairy cow.I see a lot of benefits in a cow.First is milk for consumption and the other is satisfying the family's needs including paying school fees.If I sell 5 litres a day,I will be able to save enough to pay school fees and buy clothes for my children.I will also save the cost of buying 1 litre of milk daily(0.3 USD).I currently don't own a cow.The cow will cost me around Ksh 30,000(300 USD).I also have a school fees burden especially when school re open in January.One of my children will be joining secondary school while I have another is going on with his college studies.The money from Give Directly will help me so much. "
View Eunice's
5 years ago
received a $533 initial payment.
"I was woken up by a message notification on my phone. On checking the contents, I realized that I had received my first transfer as promised by GiveDirectly. I was greatly overjoyed since receiving this transfer meant that my life would be transformed completely."
View Dama's
5 years ago
"Food insecurity for my family has been my greatest challenge in my life. I currently work as a slaughterhouse worker but this has not been consistent since it earns me only 3 dollars per day. This income is not enough to sustain all the basic needs of my family because I normally spend it on food leaving no coin for other needs. I have wished to expand my farm in order to increase my harvest but this has not been accomplished due to insufficient fanancies."
View Julius's